He is mine now and I'm his... Finally!

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A/N: Hey guys, here's a chapter and I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in like forever! Hope you enjoy and please can you all check out my new book? It's called Always and I have already posted 3 chapters.

Chapter 6

(Katniss P.O.V)

We all went from Peeta's house just so we could get ready for the sleepover at his house that actually was Haymich suggestion.

I broke up with Gale but haven't told anyone. I didn't even like him more than a brother.

Haymich say that he have something up for us but it's a surprise.

We are right now knocking on Peetas door.

Haymich open up for once actually sober and invite us in.

We took all the food with us that we had done before Peeta's flashback so Peeta didn't have to do everything all alone.

~ Time flash ~

After eating so much food Haymich decide that it's finally time for our surprise.

"We'll it's actually a game we will play!" He say and we all look at each other.

"Ok. What is it?" Finnick ask.

"One and one go up and play a song and have to us this thing called an instrument. Guitar was it right? Anyway this game is called karaoke and people in the Capital play it but with out the guitar part!" He explain.

We all nod our head smiling.

"Oh and you have to write the song or use one you already have write" he add and our smiles fade.

But Haymich just keep smiling and ask:

"Ok so who will start?" He ask.

"Does everybody have to sing?" Johanna ask.

Haymich nod his head and Johanna take the guitar and give it to Peeta. He looks really confused.

"Uh... Oh I'm not going to begin!" He say.

"I will begin so I doesn't sound like an idiot when Katniss sing. But I can't play a guitar, you can... so play!" She order him.

He smiles warmly at her and nod his head, I immediately feel jealous.

She say to him the song she will sing, she have writed it so she can sing it.

Peeta nod his head towards her and begin to play.

Jahanna take a deep breath before she begin to sing:

"Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did

Ha, Time for a little revenge

The story starts when it was hot and it was summer

And, I had it all; I had him right there where I wanted him

She came along, got him along, and let's hear the applause

She took him faster than you can say sabotage

I never saw it coming, nor did I suspected it

I underestimated just who I was dealing with

She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum

She underestimated just who she was stealing from

She's not a saint and she's not what you think

She's an actress, Whoa

She's better known for the things that she does

On the mattress, Whoa

Soon she's gonna find

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