Chapter 1 - Once upon a time...

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Chapter 1 - Once upon a time...

It was a rather warm day in mid-October and you were strolling through town. It was your first day off for a long time and since Halloween was drawing near you had decided to go look for a costume.

You had loved Halloween since you were a child and every year you put all your energy in getting a costume. You always selected the first outfit that drew you in and after buying it you changed a little at home so that it was something individual.

You never wore a costume twice and all your friends admired how full of ideas you were when it came to Halloween. And you were always happy when they complimented you and you felt the urge to make them smile again through your clothes.

You giggled softly to yourself as you walked down the streets looking at the various store windows. And with every step you took you felt yourself getting more excited for Halloween.

Last year you were gone as butterfly scattering glitter wherever you went. This year your outfit should be even more magical as the last one. Your [your eye color] eyes lit up as you turned around a corner to find yourself in front of costume shop.

You began playing with some strands of you [your hair color, hair length] hair as you scanned the outfits displayed in the store window. Your lips curled up into a soft smile as your eyes caught sight of a cute looking fairy costume.

A cold wind came up and you began to shiver slightly. Might as well take a look inside you thought to yourself while you scanned the store window once more. Maybe you would find the right costume sooner than you had expected.

Your lips curled up into another smile as the wind began to tug at your clothes. You giggled again happily before jogging over to the door leading to the costume shop. You felt a strange tingling as you placed your hand on the doorknob.

It felt like the store was luring you to come in. You had never felt anything like this before and you couldn’t stop thinking that going inside would change your life forever. But strangely you were certain that it would lead to something good.

You shook your head over your own silly thoughts as you eventually opened the door and went inside the costume shop. You heaved a quiet sigh as the door closed behind you and you felt calm once more.

Your eyes wandered about the many costumes which hung on clothes racks. And each of them had his very own charms so that you would have a hard time picking the right one. But you were sure that you would find your outfit sooner or later.

You walked over the section for females, letting your fingers dance over the fabrics of the different costumes. It somehow reminded you how much you loved Halloween. You smiled again before scanning to the row of clothes before you.

After about five minutes you choose a cute looking princess dress in a light yellow-golden color. After making sure it was the right choice you headed for the next dressing room. You pulled the curtains shut and started changing.

As soon as you were done you stepped outside again and headed straight for the full-length mirror a few steps away from the changing room. You turned in a full circle the train of the dress twirling around a little.

You looked your reflection up and down once more before slowly shaking your head. Sure, this princess outfit was cute and the color suited you but it wasn’t the costume you were looking for.

Feeling a little disappointed you changed back into your own clothes before scanning the rows of costumes once again. After a while you started humming of the songs of your favorite band ONE OK ROCK without really realizing it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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