A change of plans Part 1

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Nurse Joy is now sitting at the front desk on her computer when Gary comes back. "How is she doing?" He asks. Nurse Joy looks up from her computer. "Hello Gary y/n is doing just fine she should be ready to go soon." Gary smiles a little, nurse Joy continued."Would you like to see her?" He nodded. "Right this way please." She led Gary down the hall to y/n 's room. "Here we are." Gary in the doorway to your room and sees you resting peacefully. You begin to stir and then open your eyes to see Gary in the doorway. "G-Gary?" You say weakly. Gary walks into the room. "You ok?" You nod slowly. "I'm doing alright but I've felt better." You smirk. Gary sits on the end of your bed. "Take it easy." You look at him. "Why did you bring me here?" Gary looks at you confused. "Didn't you read the note?" "Yes I did." You say to him. "But why did you bring me here..I thought..." "you thought what?" Gary asked. You look at the vase of flowers that Gary had left. "I thought he'd be back for me... he promised he'd be back..." "who?" Gary asked still very confused. "Ash.." you said sounding a little disappointed. "He said he'd be back for me that he wouldn't leave me behind...he promised." You say sadly.
Gary took a deep breath. "So ashy-boy said he'd take care of you and keep you safe huh?" "Something like that" you answered. "I don't know if Nurse Joy told you this but he left just before I got you here I don't know if he was going back to get you but if he was he would have been back by now, he would have realized you weren't where he left you and come back here." You were speechless. All you could do was listen while that warm fuzzy feeling in your heart melted away. Gary continued. I'm sorry you got left behind...but I have to ask why were you traveling with that loser?"
"He's an old friend of mine..and I didn't wanna go alone." You smile remembering the time at the theater. "He's like a brother to me you know." There was a moment of silence between the two of you. "I don't know how to tell you this y/n but he's not that much of a "brother" if he leaves you behind like that. If I didn't pick you up when I did who knows what would have happened. Nurse Joy said I got you here just in time you were very weak you were barely breathing."

Authors Note -
Hey guys sorry this is a day late I wasn't feeling very well yesterday. I'll be posting "A change of plans part 2" soon. Thank you so much for reading this chapter please feel free to comment and vote. Don't forget to follow me for more news and updates!!

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