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Autor: Arwen Brook

Somewhere deep in the ground lieth a small secret cave and that's where a unknown girl shall wake up.

As she openeth her heavy eyes she realizes she can't see any single thing. She's confused. She does not know where she is nor who she is. And she's scared. Terrified. Lost.

She feeleth like the darkness is suffocating her. Her eyes are wide with fear and full of tears. Her breath is hoarse and suppressed. Her body seemeth squeezed tight. It's uncomfortable and horrifying.

Low sound of footsteps coming towards her startles her. Bud as she moveth she realizes she's tied up.

As she seeth the light in front of her and the footsteps stoppeth right when they reacheth her sight she looketh up. And as she seeth the owner of those footsteps, she's suddenly breathless.

"It's you, isn't it?" She breatheth without realizing it.

"Yeah... me..." Saith the dark figure, "But can you tell me who are you, m'lady?" He asketh cocking his head to one side.

She's lost once again. What can she say? She wants to say something but as she thinketh, she findeth out she does not know any single thing.

"Speak!" Shouteth the dark figure, his voice deep as well as his eyes blazing into hers.

"No one knows who you are. No one knows who am I. We don't exist. You don't exist. You're no one. A little unwanted Ileth girl." He mumbles after a short while.

She does not know why but those words pierce right through her heart and tears fills her eyes.

"At least say my name..." Whispers that dark man with blazing eyes as he turneth and leaveth the cave, leaving her all tied up and alone in suffocating darkness.

Darkness and silence is getting stronger and the little Ileth girl is getting scared once more.

Every day that dark man cometh, visiting her and feeding her. And as the time flieth by he starteth considering her fear of darkness and leaveth a little candle by her chair every time he leaveth her there alone. And the fear is cooling down.

"Why am I tied down?" She asketh one day while he feedeth her. The spoonful of soup stoppeth in mid-air and he looketh into her gold questioning eyes. He hesitates for a moment but after a short while he speaketh:

"That's because I don't want you to go."

She does not know how many days hath passed by but it must be really long time because her hair are now tickling her ankles. They are definitely longer than when she first woke up. It must be months since then.

She waketh with a start. All the noises outside are distracting. She wants to move and find out what’s happening out there, but there’s no use. She’s still all tied up to that same consarn chair as the day  she first woke up. She wants to scream but findeth no voice. She's too scared. There's no way she can do anything.

Agonizing voices are coming nearer and nearer. The fear is getting stronger and stronger. But the light is getting bigger and bigger. And here it is. The fire suddenly lights up her little cave and finally findeth her voice and starteth to scream.

There are fast footsteps coming nearer and she starteth to scream louder.

A figure of a dark man entereth the room; the Ileth stoppeth screaming at once.

It's him.

Without a word he kneels before her and starteth to untie her. First her ankles, then her hands tied to her sides and finally her wrists.

And she's free.


The meaning of the word so unknown to her that she's frozen to the chair, not knowing what to do. How to move. How to be free.

Confused she looketh into the face of that mysterious dark man and what she seeth leaveth her speechless.

His cape down and she can see his face.

For the first time since she woke up she can see his beautiful face.

And his deep deep violet eyes.

His eyes.

His dark and deep eyes looking at her so desperately that she starteth to cry.

His hand reacheth up clasping her face and with a thumb wiping of her tears.

"Don't cry..." He whispers and his lips findeth hers, his mouth swallowing her sobs and cries.

"Go." He saith, leaving her lips, "Go and never come back!" He ordereth her, his command absolute. She can not resist. and must obey. That’s the only thing she ever did in her life. The only thing she knoweth how to do.

Standing up she runneth away leaving her commanding moon elf behind her, her tears washing her face.


Because of tears she did not see her way and runned into someone.

“Watch your way!” He shouteth.

She freezes.

Who’s this? I don’t know this person.

“What is a girl like you doing here?” He asketh suddenly interested.

That’s right. What am I doing here?

“Answer me!”

Why am I here?

“Hey! Say something! Who are you?!”

Who am I?

“Can you even speak?”

Can I?


Suddenly there’s something touching her throat. It’s cold, it’s sharp.

“Speechless girl is not wanted.” He saith ready to cut of her head.

“Indeed.” She saith, finding her voice in the end.

“So you can speak.” He moves his sword slightly back, satisfied.


“Is that the only thing you can say?” The sword is once again against her throat.

“Not at all, sir.” She saith formally.

“Good. Who are you?”

“Do you really want to know?” She asketh, her voice unflappable.

“Don’t mess with me!” He threatens, “Of course I do!”

She smileth, “Well then…” She saith and for the last time she looketh behind her at her commanding moon elf. He’s dead.

He’s dead.


Please no!

Her eyes are full of tears as she looketh back at the threatening stranger.

That sword is slightly cutting into her throat. She feeleth something warm dripping down neck.

"I am... Unknown."  And as she saith that, her tears fall down as well as her head.

If you ever find that place. That little dark cave. You'll find two skeletons beside each other. One slightly burned, one without her head, only her long hair are scattered all over the place.

Two skeletons without history.

Two skeletons of someone unknown...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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