The True Test

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Kit: Now onto the stor-

Erza: EH-HEM

Kit: *sweats* um yea I don't own Naruto or Fairytail they belong to their owners

"Human Talking" / "Demon Talking"

'Human Thinking' / 'Demon Thinking'



8am training ground 8

At training ground eight was the current genin of squad 8 waiting for their senseis, Naruto and Hikari were sparring using Hinata as their referee while Shino looked to be meditating. Making their moves one by one already hyped they ran at each other, but before they could continue Erza and Kurenai had showed up. Naruto sighed and looked over walking towards them for a debrief.

"Today you guys start your real test Erza and I will be protecting a red flags in the woods. You have until 10a.m. to retrieve it otherwise you all fail. Now any questions." kurenai concluded.

Hinata raised her hand, "K-kurenai-sensei can you r-really send us back to the academy?" She sighed.

"Hinata the genin exam was to weed those out who couldn't make it as genin, this is to show if you really need more training at the academy." Naruto looked at Erza and smiled until he noticed something on her Heart Kruez armor, the Fairytail guild symbol was on the wrong side.

"Ano, Kaa-san I have a question. How will we know when time is up?" 

Erza looked down and and assumed a slightly irritated expression. "Naruto please call me Erza-sensei and also we have a clock to time from start." 

He smirked and realized they never revealed a clock. "That's nice and one last thing." he re-equipped a sword to his side and took a stance. "Why is your Fairytail mark on the opposite side?" With a burst of speed he rushed and stabbed her straight through the chest.

"My mom would've been fast enough counter" she then poofed into smoke and Kurenai, what the others assumed to be another Kage bunshin dispelled itself.

"Naruto-kun we need to split up! I'll go with hinata!" Hikari shouted ready to take leave. He grabbed her holding on. "No that might not work." Naruto stopped and thought for a minute. Shino, Hinata, and Hikari looked at him. "Hikari this is Erza-sensei and Kurenai-sensei we could take strategy." She looked at him with a smirk, "Alright well that was a Kage bunshin so they would have expected this, it's a test right? So what could we do."

"A-ano I c-could use my byakugan to find them." Hinata chimed, and Shino also spoke up. "I could use my bugs to drain their chakra." They all nodded and Naruto and Hikari smirked. "I think we have a plan."

===9am with Kurenai and Erza===

"Well I'll be, you were right he would see through it. I guess it can't be helped, I need to try harder." Kurenai said as Erza chuckled at her misfortune.

 "So do you think they figured it out?" she asked looking at Erza while sitting on a tree stump where their flag was. She looked back and smirked.

"If I know, Naruto he doesn't just give up." Kurenai smirked "I hope that's true." It was a this point that a rustle in some bushes were heard. Taking a defensive stance Kurenai went over only to be surprised by a small black fox.

 "Oh it's just this little cutie." Erza then looked at the fox again and realized what it was "Kurenai no!", however Kurenai was already petting him on the head she smiled as the fox yipped but then was shocked when it poofed into smoke. 'A summon!' 

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