Part C

143 6 10

A/N: Enjoy

What does one do with all the empty space in one's head? I thought idly as I flicked my wand lazily during evening Potions.

I was never any great shakes at Potions. Never saw the point, to be honest. Too much like cooking for me.

Unfortunately, Malfoy was. So it was two hours of hell watching the Little Git sit there with a smug little smarmy smile on his face.

Please. Like you aren't doing it just too annoy me.

"Properties of moonshine? Anybody?" Slughorn called out. I've never liked him either.

Actually, old Sluggy loved me at first. Daughter of Harry Potters besties, she must have some talent.

He gave up when I 'accidentally' poured the gravy on the Little Git's head at a stupid dinner party.

It was worth it though, the look on Malfoys face when I charmed it to go up his nose.


Scorpius' hand raised lazily, with an air of casual arrogance.

I didn't listen to the answer. I do not need Potions help, especially not from him.

"Correct, again, Mr Malfoy," Slughorn beamed. "Someone else now, the name of the stone in a goat's stomach? You, Miss Weasley?"

I have a bad feeling my face went as red as my hair. Never good if you're a Weasley.

"Umm," I started. "A... Goat stone?"

Malfoy snickered.

"See me after class, if you please Rose."

Uh no. Never a good sign when he uses first names.

"You too, Mr Malfoy,"

It was my turn to snicker. Ha! The Little Git's in for it.

His face paled dramatically, and I gave him a sarcastic wave from across the room.

I spent the remainder of the lesson flicking my dung beetles at him.

Bullseye! On the nose. Bingo! Back of the next. Smack! In the-

"Rose over here please."

In my Malfoy killing fantasy, I hadn't seen everyone else leave.

I walked to Slughorn's with a confident air, showing to Malfoy, who was following, that I was completely at ease.

I tripped.

Curse dad's flat feet!

The Little Git laughed openly. I scowled and sat in one of the two chairs next to Slughorn.

"Miss Weasley, your work has slipped dramatically over the course of the year," he said gravely. "Whereas yours, young Malfoy, has been excellent."

"I still beat you in Transfiguration," I whispered to him.

"No need for bragging, Rose," Slughorn said sternly. "In fact, be extra nice to Scorpius, as he's going to be tutoring you."

This resulted in cries of outburst, shoving and nail scratching.

"Bloody hell," The Little Git screeched.

"I don't care what you say," he said wearily. "At eight tonight you'll both be in the library. Clear?"

"Clear," we mumbled.

I walked out the room a bit a head of him, not keen to be alone with him since the kiss.

A/N: Whew. That took ages :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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