August 12, 2019

180 6 0

Dear, Diary

Ha! I feel young again, writing in a diary. Welp, alot is going on, and I wanted to jot my thoughts down, I found this in the attic and decided. "Why not?"

So today I started a brand new school, I have no clue who any of these crackheads are. ANYWAY I joined a rich school, only the richest and wealthiest kids get in... it's really a scam. I dont really like it here, you cant relate to many kids. I'm a model for my dads company and it's the first time my dad allows me to go to a school. I am grateful, but it's not much fun with all the kids walking around like they are Gucci. Wich is ridiculous.

There's another school that's much closer to my house... well mansion. I'm not bragging, but I'm setting the image of what kind of life I have... not that that really matters just wanted to put a perspective to this journal. If anyone ever reads this. Provably my children, if there looking threw old documents.

About the public school, everyone there is so nice. The other day I was walking around with my bodyguard Ismael, he's not really much of a talker though. ANYWAY, we were walking by the school and I saw this dude, he was really nice, he was listening to music and happened to bump into me (it was an accident) he helped pick up my things and we chatted about music. He had to go soon though, because he had a tournament tournament to go to.

Another encounter was when this man dropped in front of the school and couldn't get up, and this beautiful girl with black hair and bright green eyes came up and helped him.

The only problem is in this school you get dorms/houses so your stuck with three other people day and night. They have this thing where you have to stay in one side of the school for the whole time youre there, and the people there are supposed to be like your family, wich I would love since I dont have much family that cares for me. Obviously you can move around the school, but you cant get into other people's spaces, as in if I'm in Hufflepuff, I cant go into Ravenclaw. Also this school really wanted me, every day I keep getting letters from the school to go join it, and I want to, but my dad doesn't like the idea.

We haven't really had much bonding time since my mom up and left my dad for a trip across the ocean and never came back, oh really do miss her...

I gtg I have a modeling session

Jake cooper :)

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