August 13, 2019

113 5 0

Dear, Diary

Today I went back to school and theres this kid who keeps trying to get to be my friend, but I get an eerie feeling about him. I dont know, I might be just exaggerating, but something doesn't really settle in with him.

Better news are I saw the kid again, the one that was playing music when he bumped into me. His name is Austin. We talked for a few and he gave me his number. We started talking about our schools and how different a public school with dorms, and a private school are. He told me about how at night you could hear a bird squeak, but hes not allowed to go see it since it's against the rules. 'No kids out of their beds after 8:00'

That also makes me question. Why would someone have a bird in school ground? And if they do it would be a therapy animal, but they would have trained it and not let it escape. Or the teachers would of caught the bird.

It could possibly have been from outside aswell... but those would be owls not birds?

I have no clue so far, but that's also sketchy, letting a bird interrupt the kids nights leaving them wrestles and the teachers wouldn't appreciate it that much if the kids started falling asleep in class... this is all me over reacting.

The kids at my school have gotten more rowdy and more annoying than yesterday, they were walking around without their uniforms and with Gucci and what not, wich irritated me because the uniforms weren't even that bad, they were actually okay unlike what the other private schools have. They wanted to wear the new outfits my dad just launched, its basically uniforms, just more modern and comfortable to fit, the thing that makes them different it that they have better color contrast and the outfits have awesome accessories.

When they dropped there was a shrek through the whole school.

Did I mention the school is OBSESSED with my modeling and my dads outfits so when they dropped everyone came up to me and was all over me.

Best representation of me:


Well that's all for today talk to you soon

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