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Say no more

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Say no more.


Grinding a bit of wheat between the edges of my teeth, I stood in the middle of the field. Pondering. Why did I choose this life? Or am I so lost, and just not realizing. That this life, actually chose me? Pft, who am I kidding y'all.

Jungkook: The farm life, chose me.

I turned my head, spitting out the wheat. Letting out a breath of frustration, I snatched my so called 'cowboy' hat that's been on top of one of my hay stacks. It's that time again.

Jungkook: Gotta milk my trusty dusty cow, the markets been weak.

I haven't been making much, over there. Making my way to the barn, I indulged into deep thought about my current situation. Of course, I talk to myself. What else do you expect? I used to be a city boy. That was before, my heart was broken by a fair lady.

Fell in love with a farmer, she was so tired of my complaining. That she left me with the very farm I invested all of my money into. Now I'm stuck here, all alone. Without a lady, just some basic wheat farm. I've been trying to buy animals but, all I could afford is Y/n.

My only cow.

Y/n's a beautiful name, I know. She don't make much but, she be paying my bills. And that's definitely enough for me. Arriving at the barn, I grinned. Opening the door, as I searched for my precious little cow. I missed her, a lot.

Jungkook: Hey, Y/n.

Placing a foot on a plank from the fence, I leaned against it. Watching my girl getting her well deserved rest. Isn't she adorable? I smiled at the cow, as she continued to sleep in the corner. For some reason, she hadn't awoken yet. It left me bewildered. It's bright, and early. She's usually up by now.

Jungkook: Oh, come on. Daddy's gotta get your milk today. If you wake up now, I'll get you that real nice grass you like. You haven't had that, for awhile.

Y/n: Moo.

I slightly let out a chuckle, seeing her right eye opening by my words. Placing my elbow against the fence, I sighed. She's all I have. I gotta take care of her.

Jungkook: Yes, I'll even take you out on a walk if you want. Finally get you out of this damn, boring ol' barn for once.

Y/n: Moo-moo.

And there she goes. Y/n stretched a bit, before she began to place her hooves against the dirt. Backing away, I turned around to grab a pail. As I returned, she had already stood. Awaiting for my daily duty, as her owner. I knew one day, that she would get lonely.

Milk | JK FFWhere stories live. Discover now