Chapter Three: Man your Battle Stations!

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A/N: FINALLY some action! I really appreciate you sticking around this far in continuing reading! Let me know with a review what you think! AHHHH This was so fun to write!

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Wade felt the familiar sensation of G-forces from logging in, watching blurring lines whiz past his head as he flew toward a light with incredible speed. The harness flung him in a circle emulating what he saw. A perk of having an incredibly expensive, but also an incredibly amazing Oasis simulation bay.

He spawned in his last login spot, which was Anorak Castle. He felt himself form next to a wooden chair, in front of an old an ornate desk. This was the study on top of the tallest tower within Halliday's fortress. He breathed in through his nose, the Smellotron had immediately released the scent of old wood and papyrus scrolls. It was a comforting aroma, one that he grew accustomed to relax with.

He closed his right hand into a fist, then quickly extended all of his fingers in an exploding motion in front of him. This created a menu that spawned a few feet from his face. This menu was very different from every other player within the Oasis, besides Ogden Morrow of course. It was the Game Master menu, which was much more extensive and gave incredible god-like powers of various capabilities. Basically, he could do whatever he wanted in anyway at anytime.

Even then, he seldom used many of the abilities that the GM menu entailed, though several tempted him on occasion. He remembered once he had generated a sea made of gold coins, and swam in it fighting robotic giant squids with his bare hands. It was awesome.

Now, he needed to get to the pre-designated gate. Finding the prompt he wanted on the menu, he selected "Teleport" and it created a new window in front of him.

"Erywing Gate." Parzival spoke, and the prompt filled itself out. The input box disappeared, the window expanded, refilling with a miniature representation of the gate floating in space. The representation was on a 3D plane, with minimal features shown other than outlines filled with transparent bland colors like grey and light blue.

On this window, Parzival could choose exactly where he wanted to teleport, an ability granted only to those with administrator privileges, and of course a GM such as himself. There was a feature that was special to him only however, which he planned to exploit.

After a few more selections, his avatar evaporated with a whooshing sound. His teleport rustling a few scrolls and blowing out a few candles, which promptly relit themselves again.

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Anton flexed his fingers, balling them into a fist and stretching them out again. He avoided being in the Oasis as much as possible, his job required him to actively protect GSS from physical threats just as much as digital ones. He had others deal with security issues concerning anything on the Oasis, preferring reality. He could trust reality, but within the Oasis, your reality is warped and manipulated. In this case however, it was uncharted territory and he needed to accompany Wade personally rather than observe through a screen Arthur could just as easily access and manipulate. He had posted his most trusted guards in the lobby, with specific instructions to not allow access to the floor regardless of circumstance.

He eyed his name, which was above his near infinite health bar and mana. He had made it halfheartedly, and it stared back at him dimly as if annoyed with how uncreative it was. Anton18, he had tried 17 earlier attempts at getting the name and was surprised it took that long.

His vision filled with a flawless white room, with nothing in it except for a thin outline of a similarly colored door. This was an unfurnished room within a GSS fortress inside of the Oasis, one of thousands. He often liked to go into these rooms to focus on other tasks, as they were typically sound and sensation proof.

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