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        "Well hello my princess, Rosie posie."

        I stare at the screen of my phone to see to most beautiful boy I've ever seen. His eyes bright green with excitement, his slightly long brown hair curling at the ends, and his smile. Oh, that smile is the greatest smile in the world. His beautiful dimples and his perfect teeth. As soon as he would walk into a room, I bet his smile lights it up. I am speechless. How could I possibly talk to him how I normally have now that I know his beauty. I feel so gross. Why has he even wasted his time on me? Probably because he never knew what I really looked like. 

        How could someone as beautiful as him even put being my friend into consideration? His luscious curly brown hair is so much more beautiful then my fuzzy brown hair. My eyes are puddles of muck compared to his emeralds. He is everything I am not. I am completely jealous of his genes. I could stare at him forever and just admire him. This boy, by the name of Harry. His name rolls off my tongue perfectly. 

        I try to answer back as best as possible without stuttering.

        "Hi, Harry."

        As soon as he hears me say his name a great big smile creeps onto his lips again, making me blush.

        "Rosie posie? Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Because I should really start. Rosie, you are very very beautiful." He says in a low voice.

        I could listen to him talk all day long. His voice, so deep and raspy, fills my ears and makes me melt even more. Even better, he has a lovely British accent. 

        Smiling back at him with a blush on my cheeks, I answer back shyly, "Thank you. You aren't too bad yourself."

        Well duh he's not too bad! He's mesmerizing!

        "Well, Rosie, you don't even know how much of a realife it is that you are not a creepy old person trying to kidnap and/or kill me! You seem like quite the opposite really!"

        "You were scared! I was scared too you big dumbo! If you were here I knock you upside the head!"

        "Please, Rosie. Try to control your emotions around me. I know I am smoking hot, but that is no reason to hide your hormones in anger." He says with a smirk.

        "Ohhh. I see how it is. Actually, I take it back. You are very ugly and I might even become blind after this call ends." I answer back

        "Rosie! That really hurt me," he says and grabs at his chest, "I have been nothing but nice and this is how you repay me? You monster!" 

        "Good grief. You are a drama queen." I hope I am playing cool and acting the way I normally do because on the inside I am frantic.

        "Rosie. No. You will not be so disrespectful to me." He says trying to contain his laughter, "You will be nice and listen to all the good jokes I have for you."

        "Here we go." I roll my eyes sarcastically.

        "Why didn't the skeleton go the party?" He asks me smiling.

        "Maybe because he was dead."

        "No! He has no body to dance with!" Harry answers in fits of giggles.

        His laugh is music to my ears.

        "That was actually kind of clever. Good job, Harry!" I reply to him with a little laugh.

        "Why are ghosts so bad at lying? Because you can see right through them! Now that is a knee slapper!" 

        "Please! No more jokes! I will hang up! Harry!" I say as he keeps going on and on telling joke after joke.

        "What do-" 

        I stop him midway, "Harold, you will stop telling jokes right this minute or I will hang up the phone right now."

        "Nooooooooooo! Don't leave me!" He pleads with his bottom lip out.

        He looks too cute! How could I ever say no to him? Not that I will ever let him know that! He would use that to his advantage and always tease me! He is just too comely, it isn't human. He reminds me of a precious little cupcake, but at the same time I want him to push me up against the wall and fiercely make out with me. I am feeling very conflicted. I feel bad. Opps.

        I tap the screen of my phone and see that we have been talking for almost two hours! It's about 10 o'clock! 

        "Harry, I think I should go. We can talk tomorrow though, okay?" I say trying to hide a slight yawn.

        "Of course! I'm just so glad I got to see you! I'll talk to you tomorrow! Goodnight my beautiful Rosie posie." A smile stretching across his flawless face.

        "Goodnight, Harry." I smile and we both hang up.

Hellooooo i havent updated in awhile so how is everyone?? I hope you like it and sorry for mistakes but omg ive been reading some really good daddy kink on here (opps sorry im bad) BUT i love it so much I was being rebelous and read some on the bus this morning but i played it off pretty good i think bc i only react to the cute parts like this one part when he bought her a kitten like OMG

okkk byeee :)

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