Vag×Al Blind Date 1

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I think I will do half of this request, as I want to drag out the date a bit. I may add the 18+ as well as the secret meet-ups in a part 2.

Let's dive into the first story, shall we?

Vaggie was sitting at the kitchen table, early in the morning, sipping at her cappuccino as she tried to wake up. Her silver hair stood up a bit in a heap of mess, as she took slow sips from her mug. In the middle of her relaxation time, a hyperactive blonde came running down the stairs, screaming at the top of her lungs for the dear moth, making Vaggie almost choke on her cappucino. She gulped the scorching hot liquid down, before starting a coughing fit.

The Princess, though still excited, stopped immediately and pat her best friend's back, hoping to help.

"Sorry, got a bit excited! But, listen, ya know how you're single? Well, turns out, relationships, if healthy, can also help one's personality! Soooo, not only can we redeem you, but also a member within the hotel! And I was hoping to get a biggie out of the way..." She chuckled, nervously, knowing Vaggie would hate whom she chose.

The moth demon looked up to the sunshine filled princess before her, confused. "Charlie, Angel is gay."

Charlie quickly shook her head, "No, not him. Listen, I know you won't go with whom it is, so lets just make it a surprise. Once you go to the restaurant, you'll see whom it is- but PLEASE don't leave once you see who it is. Just an hour is all I ask. It's just dinner. Please?"

Vaggie thought it over, before sighing. She tried to come up with who the mystery demon could possibly me, tapping one of her fingers on the table.

"Fine. Just an hour. If it goes well, kudos. If not, I'll never forgive you."

They both knew that Vaggie was not good with grudges agaisnt the blonde, what with how close they are, but Charlie chuckled nervously, anyways. There was a first for everything. Charlie gave her a note with the time and place of the date, before leaving. Turns out, it was not dinner like Vaggie thought, it was lunch.

Shiver Liver Pizza

Dress nicely, but
not too nice.
                          - Charlie

Vaggie groaned, then face palmed. She looked over at the clock on the wall, which read 10:45 a.m. Vaggie finished her French Vanilla Cappucino, before going upstairs to get cleaned up, and to get ready. She only had two hours to get ready, and an hour to get there.

After showering, and brushing her hair, it was time to go through her wardrobe. She had a towel wrapped around her body, as she searched through for a decent outfit. She came up with a small black and gray dress, which stopped to her knees, along with black flats topped with small grey bows on them. She tied her hair up into a loose ponytail, using a gray ribbon, just a bit darker than her silver hair color. She looked into the mirror, making sure she looked fine, before frowning. She hated getting 'prettied' up. She pulled out some black leggings, and put them on under the dress to hide her legs from the world, again, as she disliked her gray skin color.

She checked the time once more, hoping she wasn't running behind. 12:21. She had just a little more over an hour to get there, so she made her way downstairs, hand sliding along the rail, as she walked towards the door to leave. As soon as she stepped out, she looked in her purse to make sure she had her key and phone, until she noticed a limo sitting in front of the hotel. She paused for a few seconds, and put her phone away, as she was about to call for a Cab. She hopped right into the very well known vehicle, which was usually only used for Hotel use. As soon as she got in the back, she told the driver the location, but he only waved her off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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