The Shadow Princess Marca

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Zanari's POV~

It was another boring, yet peaceful day. I would spend my time sitting under a tree and admire nature. I sat under a big oak tree with pure green leaves. I hugged myself with my knees at my chest and closed my eyes. I could hear every little bug in the grass, and listened to how the small gusts of wind would slightly shake the leaves and the grass. It was completely quiet except for a few birds chirping. If you really concentrated, you could hear the water flow in the small pond.

This was like paradise to me. I could spend hours just listening to the sounds of nature. This peaceful moment was interrupted by a huge blast coming from the gate. I shot my eyes open and looked at the gate. There was smoke everywhere, and there were pitch black creatures everywhere.

You would think that it was demons, but it was not. Normally i would be able to sense the ominous magical power from demons, but you couldn't sense anything from these.

There's no doubt. It was shadows.

Shadows are a kind of creature controlled by a single person. I saw a woman with light blue hair and twin drills stand on top of the gate with her hands in the air. There was a black shadowy magic coming from her hands, meaning she controlled the army of shadows. But why and how she did it, was a mystery. She was wearing a pitch black dress that reached past her ankles with frills at the end and a high collar with attachable sleeves. Like a shadow princess. Her eyes were oddly white.

I saw Jenna fighting the shadows, and i wanted to help her. I looked up at the shadow girl again, and we made eye contact. It sent chills all throughout my body, and i was frozen in place. She made a circle with her left hand, and a spear appeared out of nowhere and was sent flying at me with incredible speeds.

I put my hands up, ready to block the spear with my magic, but it was too late. The spear went through me, leaving a bloody hole in my chest behind. I coughed up blood, and fell backwards onto the grass. I heard the evil laughter of the shadow girl, and my sight started to get blurry. soon, everything i could see was darkness.

Jenna's POV~

It all happened to suddenly. I was talking with the other druids, and the next second the portal is blown open and an army of shadows and a weird looking girl started attacking us. I must say, the shadows were easy to handle, it was the girl that was the problem. She called herself the mighty shadow princess Marca with a very cocky tone. We eventually beat her, and i was going to ask her so many questions. Nothing made sense. Me and Theo went to confront her, but she disappeared like she appeared. Me and Theo started discussing why she attacked us, when i remembered Zanari.

I was sure she was alright. She was probably at the oak tree, like always. I told Theo to make sure no one got hurt, and went to check on Zanari.

"Hey Zanari! Are you here?" I shouted.

I saw Zanari's dead body lay lifeless on the grass with blood coming out of her mouth and chest. I got so shocked that i dropped my staff.
"ZANARI!" I sat on my knees next to her and picked up her head. I stared into her half open eyes, knowing that she was dead and that i couldn't save her. I felt tears fall down my cheeks and onto Zanari's dead body.
"ZANARI! Say something! You can't leave me like this!" I hadn't noticed that most of the people and Theo were standing behind me. I didn't care right now. What mattered was that Zanari was dead, and that i would never see my little sister again.

The whole town had helped preparing Zanari's funeral. She was lying in a bed of flowers. We had healed her wound in her chest. I was crying my eyes out the whole funeral. If only i had stayed by her side, i could have prevented this.

I spent the next couple of days under the oak tree that Zanari used to sit under. I knew that The Seven Deadly Sins were coming to get back Meliodas' power. Just a thing that we druids can sense. I had already opened the gate, and was walking over to welcome them. I put on my best smile, and locked the dark feelings i had inside of me.

I saw Meliodas and a white haired girl walking next to him. I could clearly sense the magical powers of a druid coming from her. King, Gowther, Merlin, and an orange haired boy with purple eyes followed.
"Yo, Jenna!" Meliodas said. "Hey there! Long time no see!" I gave my best happy voice. I really wanted to cry, but i held back.
"Where's Zanari?" He asked. I could feel tears building up in my eyes, and i looked at the ground. I couldn't take this anymore. I couldn't act like everything was alright. Theo asked them to follow him. He took them to Zanari's grave. Everyone, especially Meliodas, stared in silence.

"What happened here?" Meliodas asked in a much more serious voice. I looked at Zanari. "We were attacked by a so called shadow princess Marca." I answered. "Can we please change the subject?" I asked.


Melascula's POV~

"Souls wandering lost in Purgatory who still have regrets in this world..."

I was chanting a spell, and it seemed to be working. I chuckled, knowing what was about to happen. "I thought i didn't see you. What where you doing?" Galand asked when i got back. I giggled to myself "Something fun..."

Back at the The Holy Land Of The Druids...

Jenna's POV~

I looked at the others walking to the cave of training. Normally, Meliodas and the silver haired girl should be in the tower of trials, but that will have to wait. I hear a ruffle sound behind me, and turn around only to be in complete shock. Zanari is sitting up and looking around her. Her eyes are as lifeless as they were when she was dead.

"Z-Zanari?..." I whispered. Zanari turned her head to look at me with an expressionless face. a small smile formed on her lips. "Jenna... I missed you"

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