A Night To Remember

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I stood, the music drumming against the inside of my skull, lights spinning like a Ferris wheel around my head. I pushed the doors open and gulped fresh air and rain. It took me a moment to realize I didn’t recognize anyone around and I didn’t know where anyone was. I pushed through the clumps of people towards the other doors and that’s when I heard them. I don’t remember exactly what it was they said but I believe it was along the lines of how gorgeous I was and that I looked lost.

     One was loud, colorful and full of confidence; we danced like Egyptians and chickens while he guided me through the moves and mouthed the words to me, his face contorting into a comical struggle of concentration and humor.

The other was quiet, still full of life and energy but he didn’t know all the words and his dancing was timid, almost reserved. At the time I chalked it up to the lack of alcohol flowing through his system and the fact that his fiery friend consumed most of the attention.

     Everything was moving in fast forward around me and I won’t pretend I remember what was said in those first 15 minute. I do how ever remember them singing and something about them drew me in. I made some excuse then about finding the people I came with so they wouldn’t worry and wandered of aimlessly to try and get my mind to return to my body and my feet to the ground.  I came back 10 min later just as promised and let myself be carried through the night by them and their intoxicating friends.

     They left separately, the quiet one slipping out early but not before we had a moment alone. He quietly pressed his number into my phone and then stood awkwardly near the door watching me. He may have said he liked me or he may have just appeared to, but ether way I knew he didn’t want to leave.

 Out of some sudden realization that I had just spent the most amazing night with complete strangers and now I couldn’t let this one go, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his gently. When I pulled back a smile spread quickly across his face and I knew id be talking to him in the morning. The next day we only talked a few times and the next we talked nonstop. That night, Monday, he showed up at my nanas door with his energized group of friends brimming with life. I was surprised to learn they weren’t any less lively sober. Ross still hummed with energy from the front seat and Gary sat silently smiling behind the wheel. He didn’t need to speak, his driving showed me he wanted me there and he wanted to be noticed.

After that I was powerless to him. His whispered little remarks and the shy smiles, the way he made sure his skin brushed mine every chance he got. I only met him a few times before I left but I can say without a doubt that since the first time he spoke to me something, some part of me belongs to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2012 ⏰

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