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Good day gays, hey it's me again 😂
Since it's my own version(BL) different from the orig. story(not BL).. I much prefer Wang Yibo's height similar to Lan Wangji's(188 cm) and Xiao Zhan's height from Mo Xuanyu's(180 cm) .
Since Xiao Zhan was little bit smaller here, his feminine looks might balance his features right? and make Wang Yibo taller since he's the top 😂.
Their ages were the same though in real life and I added some little spice or wildness on their night life. 😂 This is just a fanfic story so please if you got offended then just tell me through message. That's all. Ja neh!

🌸Xiao Zhan

🌸Wang Yibo

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🌸Wang Yibo


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Buzz.. Buzz...

"Damn it," Zhan cursed, digging in his black Chanel purse for the cell phone.
He knew who it was - Yibo, calling again with some new demand he was probably going to be expected to meet in about three point five seconds.

His boss was great, for the most part - actually, he was more than great. He was the most amazing man Zhan had ever met (not that he would ever admit that to anyone though and he was younger than him on that point). But boy, was the guy a perfectionist. He liked things done a certain way, and he liked them done right away. Xiao had been his personal assistant for almost three years now, and had gotten pretty good at recognizing his demands and meeting them - which was saying something, since he was always throwing new ones out there.

But knowing what he wanted was part of what had made Wang Yibo so successful at the young age of 22. Sure, the fact that he had been born into the family business of art dealing was a part of his success, but Yibo also understood the value of working hard towards a specifically crafted dream.
That's what Zhan reminded himself on days like this one, anyway - a day when he was out scouring half of Beijing for a specific kind of rose that Yibo just had to have for his business meeting later that afternoon.

For some reason little things like that were important to him. Hey, whatever - he was just the assistant that was almost on his late twenties, so who was he to question things?
"He needs to go ahead and hire a second assistant," he said to the old florist standing in front of him. "Because this shit is too much for one person to handle."

The Asian man stared solemnly at him. Xiao wondered if he even spoke Mandarin since he doesn't look like Chinese. Finally, he found the phone, buried deep at the bottom of his purse.
"Did you find the Double Delights?" Yibo's thick Mandarin accent slid through the line, sending warm chills down Xiao's back.
He sighed. "No, but I'll keep looking."
"Right. The clients will be here in two hours."
Click. Not even a goodbye.

Why did he put up with him? Oh yeah, that's right - because he was in love with him. He had been since the first moment he'd laid eyes on him. And even though he had never admitted his feelings, and he had never shown signs of reciprocating them, he just couldn't pull himself away from the man.

"Do you have Double Delight roses?" he asked the florist, who was still standing in the middle of the tiny, heat-drenched shop staring at him. The man's face lit up with a smile and he nodded his head vigorously.
"Yes, yes. Double Delight. Right way, here."
"Yesss!" Zhan punched his fist into the air in celebration. He had done it. He was going to meet yet another ridiculous demand from his ridiculous boss.

He knew that what he put up with was more than most personal assistants would take - what with the late-night runs to corner delis to get non-dairy butter (not easy to find at all) and the sometimes sixteen-hour days he put in working with Yibo at the office. But Zhan got satisfaction from it all. Maybe it wasn't a healthy satisfaction, true, but in Zhan's kind of life - one where you'd barely even touched a man in almost two years - pleasing the boss had a funny way of meaning everything.

ROMANTIC TAKEOVER (HIJACKED BY HIS CHINESE BOSS) (YiZhan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now