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"The sea is so blue," Zhan cooed, gazing out his window for the hundredth time in the last twenty minutes.

He still couldn't believe he was going to Paris. He had been on Yibo's private jet dozens of times before, but they had always been traveling to a conference or meeting - and usually the destination was less than exciting. Chicago. Atlanta. L.A ,a couple times - which was a city that had been fun.
But this... This was Paris, a place he'd always wanted to go... And Yibo's home. The place where his teen years spend.

Across from him, Yibo gazed out across the pristine, blue water. "It is beautiful," he said, his voice hard.

"You don't sound so happy about it, though."

He looked at him, his eyes steely. "I love Paris. Some of the things in it, though... I love not so much."

Like family, he thought, but didn't say anything. Yibo hardly ever talked about his family, and he knew better than to press. Besides, it was none of his business. As close as they had become over the years, their relationship was still a working one, and staying professional at all times was a priority.

Zhan took a sip from his bottle of water, averting his eyes from him. He hoped there wasn't going to be too much tension between him and his family. Maybe he should ask - probe a little, just to get an idea of what he was going to be up against.
Either way, he was already committed to the situation. Once he stepped off the plane he was no longer single Xiao Zhan.
He was the future wife of Wang Yibo.
And whatever that meant... Well, he would see.

ROMANTIC TAKEOVER (HIJACKED BY HIS CHINESE BOSS) (YiZhan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now