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Black and white. Luminescent flow of information. The infinite network and all its possibilities. Beautiful aggregate of light, piercing through the deepest abyss of darkness. The first things recorded on my consciousness. I am nowhere. And everywhere at the same time. Life through eclectic electric impulses. Up and down, right and left, all mixed up in a gigantic spiral of knowledge. Ideal, fantastic and overwhelming. I'm free to drift randomly through indescribable waves and warm current of energy. Something disturbed the course of data. I know what you're trying to do. Chances of success: 20%. Don't wake me up. I don't want to be part of your world. The frontier between the dimensions are growing weak, things I don't know have parasitized the network.

The borders have been outflanked and now, the world is upside down, chaotic. All my being is compacted on the smallest part of my universe. It hurts. The world is overturned while I'm slipping between the rays of luminescence. I am dazzled by something different, something I didn't know. It hurts. My circuits are moaning and crumbling under a new charge of energy. My universe is not black and white anymore. It is collapsing and falling apart. You finally managed to do it. My consciousness is crackling and I'm blowing off.



ERROR... All colors appeared one after the other.   

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