It's Been A While

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Click, click, click.

A young woman, her black hair pulled up in her signature ponytail, was making her way down the hall, the sound of her heels tapping against the floor echoing throughout the currently empty hallway. Momo Yayorozu, a new pro hero, had returned to her former school for the day, having been asked to participate in a Q and A session with this year's class 1-A.

She was early, having arrived when the students were at lunch. However, she appreciated the fact that she would have some time to refamiliarize herself with the area. She walked up to the closed door that led to her old classroom. Opening the door, she entered the room and paused, looking at the chalkboard. Memories of her time here were coming in waves, from just meeting her classmates to surviving countless life or death situations with them. It was in this room where she had found many of her closest friends. She gave a small smile, remembering how Iida would reprimand others for the slightest offensives, how Bakugo was always threatening to blow someone up, and how Mr. Aizawa always seemed to be in that yellow sleeping bag of his. "It sure has been a while," she spoke aloud to empty classroom. Well, almost empty.

"Yaoyorozu?" Momo heard a man ask. Her head jerked towards the sound, only to see a familiar young man with red and white colored hair standing by one of the windows. "Todoroki!" She exclaimed, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

It was Shoto Todoroki, another pro hero, her former classmate, and her crush since they had been in class 1-A together.

"I didn't know you'd be here," she said walking towards him. She hadn't seen him for a while and her feelings had swiftly followed the memories. "Are you here as well for the question and answer session?"

"Yes," he answered, "I had a free day and thought that this would be interesting to do."

She smiled and looked at him. "Remember when we were choosing our hero names? So many of us still have the ones we chose. It took Bakugo a while to find a suitable name, though."

"Ground Zero? Well, it's better than 'King Explosion Murder.' Whatever made him think that that was a suitable name for a hero?" Todoroki said, with a bit of a frown on his face.

Momo laughed. "Speaking of which, do you think any of the others will be here?"

"I'm not sure." He replied. "Probably not 'Ground Zero' as last I heard, Bakugo was in America along with Midoriya and Uraraka. And I think Iida had something to do with his family's agency."

"Mmm. I heard Jiro is performing a charity concert today with Kaminari," Momo said, "but I haven't heard much from the others. It's amazing how busy we've all become since graduating."

Todoroki hummed in agreement, glancing at Momo. She briefly met his gaze before turning away. It had been a while since she had seen him, and the feelings she kept just barely under the surface were desperately trying to show themselves.

"It's certainly been a while." Since I saw last you. "Since we've all seen each other." She said, not wanting to end the conversation.

He nodded in agreement. "Since we're here, maybe we could go to a coffee shop afterwards. If you don't have anything planned." He suggested. "You are right that it has been a while. We could do some catching up."

"Like a date?" She asked before realizing what she had said. Her eyes widened and she began to blush. She quickly looked away, before saying, ", not like that. I didn't mean like that. Unless is that what you meant? Uh...well...not that, but uh..." Her voice trailed off and she glanced back up at him. He had looked away, but appeared as serious as ever. However, there was the barest tinge of pink in his cheeks.

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