Would you like to go out with me?

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The end of the week had finally come. The students of class 3-A were packing up their stuff, chatting with one another as they prepared to leave.
"Any weekend plans, Yaomomo?" Jiro asked, leaning back in her chair to look at her friend.
"Ah, I don't believe so," Momo replied, sliding her books into her bag. " I'm probably just going to finish up my homework and-"
She was interrupted by Shoto Todoroki, her neighbor in class all three years they had been at U.A. He was standing by his desk and looking over at her.
"Do you-"
"You just interrupted her," Jiro stated, glaring at Todoroki.
"Nevermind Jiro. It's okay," Momo gave her friend a small smile.
"Sorry," Todoroki said, dipping his head slightly in Jiro's direction before continuing,
"Yaoyorozu, would you like to go out with me?"
There was a moment of silence as he finished his question.
"Ehhh?" Both Momo and Jiro exclaimed in sync (along with the rest of the class who had stopped what they were doing to eavesdrop.)
"Go out? As in a date?" Momo's face had turned very red and she dropped her bag.
"Yeah," Todoroki furrowed his brow before nodding. "A date."
"A date?"
"You're repeating yourself, Yaoyorozu. Are you okay?" The boy asked. "But yes. A date. The thing that one person who is interested in another in a non-platonic way asks the other to go on."
The groans of the rest of the class, accompanied by the sound of people facepalming, were so loud they could be heard throughout the school halls.
"Um, sure," Momo was both excited and embarrassed. She quickly looked down at her desk, fanning her face with her hand. Todoroki was asking her out! But in front of the whole class! "That sounds-" Momo was once again interrupted, this time by Kaminari.
"Dammit, Todoroki! That's not how you do it!!!" Kaminari yelled at Todoroki, coming up from behind him.
"Hm? But that is what you and Kirishima told me to do. Ask her if she-"
Both Kirishima and Kaminari grabbed Todoroki's arm and forcefully drug him out of his seat and out of the classroom.

"What just happened?" Jiro asked, summing up the thoughts of everyone else in the room.

Meanwhile, in the hallway, Kirishima and Kaminari were glaring at Todoroki.
"What was that for?" Todoroki grumbled.
Kaminari hit his shoulder. "You idiot. You weren't supposed to do it like that!"
"So you said," Todoroki replied, "and what was that for?"
"Todoroki, you don't go up to a girl and give her the dictionary definition of a date. That was not smooth at all. And then you definitly don't tell her that we told you to do it!" Kirishima explained before sighing. "You're hopeless."
"But you did tell me to do it. Earlier right after lunch! I did exactly what you told me to. Besides, she said yes. Was that not the goal?"
"Seriously?" Kaminari threw his hands up in defeat, "Aw man, only you could ask a girl out on a date like that and get her to say yes. She must be really into you. But you're still not supposed to give us away as your wingmen."
"Ya know what? Never mind. I give up."
"So, can I leave now?"
Kirishima patted Todoroki's shoulder. "Of course not, we need to help you plan out your date!"

Word count: 566
A/N: Just a short fun little thing. Very talky, though.
I came up with the idea and was initially planning on just sharing it in an announcement or something, but I got carried away and stretched it out into it's own story. Very short story, but longer than what I meant to do. 😅

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