The Meeting

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The raindrops fell down the Side of my hood. My earphones playing that soothing music I loved.
It was a good day. Best one i'd had in a while it seemed. I was content.
My Work was over for the weekend with perfect timing, I had a trip planned for the next morning and life was gonna treat me good for the weekend. No extra work, just me and myself. Moving my head to sound of the music, I was enjoying myself in the rain... Life was simple for the time.
Just me, my music and the rain as it always had been.
Walking along I couldn't help but notice a spec amongst the rain.

As i got closer i noticed that it was a woman! She seemed a bit younger than me but she had a look of gloom and sorrow about her that ought to be way past her age. She looked young but seemed....Old. I felt unhappy looking at her walking gloomily in the rain. Then i thought to myself- 'Hey,Why not Share my joy with her too! I'm sure my music would cheer her up!'
So I walked over to her and asked "Hello Miss, would you like to listen to my music?" offering a side of my earphone to her with a smile cutting across my face.
Startled she looked at me-"Excuse me but I don't know you Mister. Leave me alone now please."
I frowned, but as she was walking off I again tapped her shoulder-"you really should listen to some of it! It will lighten your heart!"
Again, she said "no thanks please"
"oh no no I insist!" with that I hand her the earbud and gesture for her to put it on.
Still hesitant she does so.
"So miss, where would you be going? I'll walk you there. It shouldn't be much of a problem as we are heading in the same direction."
She nods and points ahead and I nod back.
The rain started pouring ever more heavily so I suggested we take shelter under a tree and we hastily moved over to one.
She remains distant and her face remained gloomy after all my efforts. I felt sad and didn't quite enjoy the feeling.
"Well Miss it seems the rain just doesn't want us to get home Haha!"
"It seems it doesn't..."
There's a pause.
"So miss, what do you do? A woman walking home alone in this weather isn't quite right!"
She sighs and looks up to the sky.
"I know how you feel miss."
She sharpens and looks at me as I gaze at the dark clouds above.
"Your gloomy face and distraught walk tells the story all too well."
She looks down into the water puddles, which granted did seem all too beautiful to me today.
I tap her on her shoulder and say-"It's okay to be sad miss. If you would like to talk about it I have no issues listening." with a smile.
She looks confused at me and then looks down and sniffed,clearly holding back her tears.

I tense. I had never felt inclined to help someone like this before, but for some reason seeing the woman in such a state made me ever so more sad.

Visible tears were forming on the woman's eyes. I gripped her shoulder as a sign of comfort and my existence. She would not be alone for now.

She gripped my hand, assured of my comfort and began- "Two weeks ago, my mother passed away and my father kicked me out of our house so he could sell it. My Brother who lived abroad has cut all contact from me and so have all the people i considered a friend,they're all gone..the only people who still speak with me are my coworkers and my boss who treats me like sheer trash and my coworkers tease me for my helplessness. I do-I do not know what to do.." With this she bursts into tears.

I couldn't help but feel hurt for her. What had she done to deserve such treatment?

I pulled the woman up with both hands on her shoulders. "Miss, that is absolutely horrible!"

She continued to cry, tears falling down her cheeks like the rain outside the tree's humble shade.

I had never felt such an anger before as i did now. Why would people do this to her? What had she ever done to them? Her own family and her own father too!

Not knowing what to do, i hugged the woman and all was silent for that moment. She stopped crying clearly shocked by my action. It mattered not at this time. She was quite is all that mattered to me. I stroked her hair and said-"Worry not Miss. You are not alone now"

Recovering from her shock she held onto me and cried with ever more vigour. Her tears rolling down the back of my trench coat. I couldn't bear this for some reason...i had never experienced this...this sadness...this feeling was all but new to me. Was i feeling sad for the woman?Was i truly?

"There'll all be alright. We're Human after all. No matter what we persevere and survive. Do Not worry mis-"

"Call me one calls me Sophie these days..."

"Alright then!" I come off the embrace."Do not worry Sophie! It'll all be alright!"

She wipes a last tear and smiles breaking a sob.

"Thank You mister-"

"Reyn" i say with a smile

"Thank You Reyn."

The clouds above seemed to have dissipated and the rains stopped. The Sky was blue once again.

I gesture,"So Sophie, Shall we?" With a humorous smile about me.

She Laughs and nods and walks alongside me from under the tree.

As we walk down the street, i glance at Sophie. She was smiling. I couldn't help but smile myself!

I thought to myself then- 'so this is true happiness...i could get used to this...' Once again I glance at her- 'I would not mind seeing her smile like that all my life...'


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