Confrontation (8)

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Evelyn POV

The next morning...

I wake up to the feeling of my burning face, and instantly remember last night. It brings more tears to my eyes, but I remember that I can't waste any time getting ready or my parents will beat me again. I'm already bruised as it is.

I get up and get my clothes on, not bothered to take a shower or brush my hair. So, I brush my teeth, get my shoes on, and walk down the creaky stairs. I notice my mother in the kitchen eating cereal.

"Evelyn, come here now." She says, raising her voice.

I slowly walk towards her, staring down at my feet, not knowing what's next.

"Look at me while I'm fucking talking to you, bitch."

I look up at her, and see anger and frustration in her eyes.

"If you ever fucking scream or cry like that again, I will tape your damn mouth shut, ya hear me?" She yells, giving me a hard slap to the face.

"Yes." I reply in defeat.

"Now go to school. Nobody in this house wants you here." She says, eating a spoonful of cereal.

I quickly rush out of the kitchen, and get my bag. I then open the front door, and start walking down the sidewalk towards my school, receiving stares from people.

Well, obviously they'd stare. I'm covered in bruises and cuts.

Then, I notice Bruce Williams and his group. I freely go past them.


I look back to see Bruce staring at me.

Why isn't he beating me up?

Well, at least I got past that.

I walk into the school, and head towards my locker. I put some of my stuff in it, and hear faint whispers all around me.

"What's wrong with her?" One says.

"Eww she's bleeding everywhere. Gross." Another one whispers.

I feel tears form, and my nose get stuffy.

I close my locker and quickly walk through the halls to get to class.

However, I feel someone grab my shoulder, which I then receive a sharp pain from.

I then feel the person turn me around and harshly grab my wrist, making all of my former cuts tear open again, making me cry out a loud sob.

I look up to see Chris standing in front of me.

With all of my strength, I quickly run off to the large field behind the school, and hide behind a tree.

I can't like him. He can't find out. He won't.

There's no point in caring about anything, when it's all just gonna end soon.

I don't want to hurt him.

I feel a river of tears run down my face, as I feel weak, letting my back slide down the tree, pulling up my knees to my chin.

I cry.

I can't even explain how much I cried.

5 minutes went by

10 minutes went by

And I still cried.

Just then, I hear a voice.

I know that voice anywhere.

It's Chris.

"Evelyn please. I'm sorry. Did I hurt you? Are you okay? Evelyn!" Chris pleads, walking closer and closer to the tree. He doesn't know where I am, but I'm pretty sure that he does now, since my pathetic cries are so loud.

He then spots me, crying my eyes out, hugging my knees.

"Oh my god Evelyn are you okay?"

"What you want..t...?"

"I want to know that you're okay. Did I hurt you? Oh god. I hurt you, didn't I? I grabbed your wrists too hard, and I know what you do and..."

"Wait.. w..what?"

He sighs.

"I know that you cut yourself. I just don't know why you're all bruised."

I sniffle, and wipe my nose with my sleeve.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"When you grabbed your bag at the park, your sleeve rolled up. I didn't know it was that bad."

"Why do you care anyways?"

"Because I.."

I cut him off.

"I'm a stupid ass girl that gets fucking bullied. Since when does anyone give a shit about me? You shouldn't. There's no point! I'm gonna end it all anyways! I can't love someone right now. It's not the right time. ITS NOT FUCKING FAIR." I say, as I break down crying again.

I'm so fucking pathetic.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean 'end it all anyways' What do you mean? I know damn well that I'm gonna save you every time if that's what it takes to keep you living. What's going on that you feel the need to end it?"

"I.. um.. that's something I can't tell you. It's nothing."

"No. You are gonna tell me."

I just wanna curl up and die right now.

"I l.. uhm care about you. I refuse to let you kill your self or even harm yourself in any way!" He yells.

"I can't handle all of this stress and pain that I get put through. It's not the time for you to love me, because I don't want to hurt you. You could have anyone else! You could have Brittany Fields, Charlotte Joans, or even Tiffany Brooks. Why do you want someone who gets fucking abused by their own parents, and raped by their father? Why do you fucking want someone who can't be there for you like you deserve? I'm a burden and a worthless piece of shit. Just let me be, find someone who can love you and treat you right, okay? Please Chris." I yell, with tears in my eyes.

"I.. I didn't... you.." He stutters.

"No, I didn't expect you to know."

I get up and walk away.

To my surprise, it's lunch time already, and of course it is my least favorite time of the day.

I don't eat. I feel fat and ugly, so I starve myself. I love seeing myself get skinnier and skinnier every day. Yeah, it hurts. I have severe hunger pains, but I'm not satisfied. I usually go to the library, and read to try and forget about the immense amount of pain I receive, but today is different.

Just then, I hear the loud speakers announce...

"Evelyn Scott to the office please."

I'm screwed.


Hey guys! This was probably my longest chapter so far, and I hope you like it! Ily♥️

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