Chapter 00: Prologue

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"Goodnight Iris," A blonde lady in her 30's waved at the girl who sat in front of the computer, typing and writing as quick as she could. "Oh, night Sam." The girl smiled back tiredly. After the lady left, she continued to do her leftover work from the long day, she finally hit 'send' and stretched her arms back. "Oh thank God, I'm done." She yawned as she looked at her watch, '9:30'. "It's this late already?" She sighed. Iris packed her bag, leaving her office as she locked the door and exited the building.

She inhaled in the night air and began to walk home, "Hope Michael's not worried." She said as she took out her phone and dialled a call. "Michael?" She asked, "Yeah, I just finished, I'll be home a bit late, I have to get some groceries before getting home though." She informed, "I know, okay. I'll see you in a bit." She ended the call and headed towards the market.


"Cabbage, carrots, cheese, ham... ah and yogurt for Michael." Iris smiled as she exit the store and headed home


"Michael, I'm home-" She announced as she took off her shoes, but she felt something was off. She set the bags of grocery down and walked around, "Michael?" She whispered, something was definitely wrong, she walked closer to their bedroom when she heard a sound. To her ears that cannot process to the situation, she slightly pushed the door to have a look, her eyes couldn't believe what she saw, her lips cannot open to speak yet her body shook.

Before she could adjust the problem, she stepped back as her shocked expression dully looked scarred, she covered her mouth as she slipped away from the apartment. As she ran, her pant became heavier, knowing she is far away, she stopped, breathing with all her might. Her tears began to trigger, her whole body was still in shock.

"How?-" She let out a cough


I cried louder as I ran more and more









She laid there on the concreted ground, her fingertip twitch as her body was still quivered from the trauma. Her last single tear drip from her saddened eyes.

"I can't do this anymore" She choked a thought

She finally took her last breathe and closed her teared eyes.


"IRIS, baby wake up"

"Mum? I'm tired

"Iris~" The voice that called to her faded, she grunt at the bright light and began to open her eyes again.

"What is this" She spoke, her eyes was fixed on the screens in front of her.

"This is my life?" She questioned, "What a life, what a pitiful life did I plan" She added with agony

"I'm tired, I can finally rest" Closing her eyes once more


"Lady Iris!" A voice called out again, "What? Stop bothering me!" I yelled as I woke up,

huh? what the- where am I?

"We have to go, My lady!" A maid impatiently screeched, dragging me behind her.

I did nothing but proceed with her worrisome act, running in the hallway of this mansion, until we got out , it almost looked as if hell broke loose. "My Lady, please be safe, run with all your might and survive." She cried as she let go, "What about you?" I asked, "Please go My Lady," She pushed me back, I gasped as an arrow shot right in the center of her chest. I jumped down and caught her in my arms, I didn't know why I was crying, she was a complete stranger.

"Please survive and claim your right once," She coughed, "Why did you save me?" I huffed, "Because- you are our only hope, Lady Iris." Her smile was so beautiful yet she was cover in blood. I choked on my words as I ran, guilt got a hold of me as I left her lifeless body.


"Where am I?" I asked myself, I've been sitting here in the dark so quite a long time, maybe a day even? My stomach is not having it, it started to grumble, "Oh shut up please." I begged as I clutched onto my belly.


My eyes widened as a faceless man took out his sword and slashed other man right across his throat who fell on his knees and tumbled on the platform. I covered my mouth from the shock, I crawled back behind the barrels.


"So we have finally found the intruder." I looked up from the chuckle to see a masked man, my eyes filled with fear, he grabbed on my collar and dragged me out and harshly threw me in the center of the scene. I clutch my fingers in my dress, my body shook for the millionth times. "This shaken, pitiful fly is supposed to be the heartless and fearful fox the King hated?" Another voice snickered.


Though his mask was covering half of his face, I could tell what a damn of a jerk he was, all my fury exploded and I grabbed on the side of his mask and ripped that thing off, to my surprise, it revealed a beautiful man.

"How dare you?" He growled, he raised his sword and whipped it at me.


How the hell did I get here? and where is even here?


Hey guys! I'm back and couldn't wait to publish another pirate au. It has grown on me so it'll probably be a series aswell.

Hope y'all love this idea and continue to support



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