Chapter 4

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For if there are Indonesian's reading this story, Gua tau udah lewat itu 17an tapi bodo lah :v
It was a cold chilly night at the time while the guards and Fredrick Polska were on guard duty at the time, The rest were resting from the last minor attack cause by the Dark Emperor (previous chapter-) and we're enjoying they're time
Emi was making a cake with Japan, while the rest was talking to each other about they're stuff that they were doing yesterday after the little invasion from the Dark Army, sounds of drum was heard from the outside and all that Emi said was "oh no"
Original burst into the door with the Indonesian flag grinning like always

"Original what the f**k!?" Emi shouted "that's the 70th door you broke this month!"

"Meh I can repair that later" He shrugs because well she's his character

Emi just sighed and sips her Expresso calmly

"What are you doing with that flag Original?" Cobalt asks him

"Its Indonesian independence day!" He shouted proudly

"You know that 17th of August has passed right?" Dampier said snuggling Spain-

Original's sweat dropped "Of course i know! Just my indonesian pride showing" he said(although I'm more into German-)

Emi just sighed "He's having brain damage because he hit his head to much"

"Hey!......... how did you know" He asked (true fact of me-)

"Jap always tell me what you do everytime Original" She sips her Expresso again

'Smart ass' Original thought "alright have to go now! Need to burn AL's house for VENGEANCE" He said "have a great night!" He ran through the wall followed by sounds of trashcan falling and cat sounds 

Everyone stared at eachother asking theyre self on what the hell just happen a few seconds ago, while Emi just sipped her coffee calmly

In the streets of the town Original is just running like crazy crashing every trashcan shouting "no one can stop me now!" While getting stared by some citizens that are still up

At the Dark Empire territory the Empire himself stood in front of a broken window staring down at the 'work' he has done, Gwen or Filia Mors walked in with Rampage looking at theyre leader

"Sir the Army has been replenished once more" Gwen said "Should we attack now?"

The Emperor looked at them and glared "no... for now we rest and let them be happy for a while until then build up the armys strength"

"We will do it my lord" Rampage said as they walked out of the room followed by a horrible laugh

The Emperor looked outside once more and smirked followed by him laughing evilly

UnOriginal was walking through a cave silently not giving any sh*t at all as he reached the new of the Caves tunnel and looked down at a really deep hole
"The time will soon come for all of you to rise up and fight for the good side this time..." He said and dissapear in a blink of an eye

Emi was training with Cobalt while Trisha was watching them, Japan Empire was making food with Japan

"Hey Emi" Cobalt said

"Yes Cobalt what is it?" She asked taking a sip of her water

"Did you felt that?" He asked looking around

"No... what do you feel?" She looks at him

"I don't know... but I feel something" He said(is it okay if Cobalt has a little part with the Dark empire  Ignem12 ?)

"Its probably nothing just rest Cobalt you might need that" She said

He sighed "alright will do Emi"

She smiles at him "alright"

A figure watches them from above "he might have still don't know about us for now assassinating Uni Empire is a main priority"

I am back from my dead sleep from wattpad- also I'm sorry if this is bad and short I was too busy studying because the last exam for middle school is going to come soon and I am slowly losing motivation and Depression is taking over me and i have anxiety attack recently now
I am sorry my dear frends/readers ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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