The Deal

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        It was a bright and sunny day in the town Harlow, instead of being outside in the sun the adults were holding meeting in the town hall about Andrew Colten the famous and ruthless killer. Mr.Mallow was thinking they should try to talk to him but lots of people were disagreeing said they could trust him. Mr.Brooks had been silent The whole time. When he finally decided to speak up no one was expecting what came out of his mouth. "I think we should try to make a deal with him so he will leave our town and people alone. We will have armed people in the room where the meeting is held so he doesn't try anything." Many people nodded their heads agreeing with him. Charlie always had a way with words. "What if we give him a sort of human sacrifice." someone spoke up. "What if he doesn't like that and kills us all" said the ever optimistic Oliver Bens. "What if we send him a letter attached to a baby basket with a small child. The letter could something around the lines of Hello Mr.Colten this is from the people of Harlow. We give you this sacrifice so you will leave our town and people alone. You may send a letter back if you do not agree if you do don't send a letter back." Charlie said. There were many nodding of the head and sounds of agreement throughout the small room. This seemed to bring the meeting to a close as the person at the head who had remand silent through the entire meeting watching them carefully making sure not to take any sides said "Dismissed." Everyone got up and made their way through the open door. The man at the head of the table who was known as Ben Preston leaned back in his seat with a sigh. Taking out a piece of paper quill and a small thing of ink he muttered to him self so low that no one but him could make out what he was saying. He dipped the tip of the quill in the ink and began to write the exact words Charlie had said. He recited them under his breath as he wrote to make certain he was writing them correctly. He put his quill down and sighed leaning back in his chair. He sealed the letter with wax and put it on a book to be sent. He left the building forgetting to blow out the candle. Latter that day while he was talking to his friends a man about 19 ran up to him. Panting he said that the the town hall was on fire. He quickly ran to Mallowren Avenue and sure enough the town hall was on fire. He ran in brushing off the villagers protests. He saved as many life's as he possibly could. When he emerged from the burning building everyone's faces were solemn. Two people had died and many had been gravely injured. "This event is the work of the outlaw Andrew Colten I and the other representatives have come up with a solution and it will be done today no fear we will all be safe," Ben announced to the worried citizens. He walked to the orphanage that was thankfully on Mallowren Avenue. "Mrs. Florence," he called. "Yes an old lady said putting down the little baby she had been holding. "I need the youngest baby you have any gender is accepted." "Why would you need that Ben?" He leaned in close as if he was about to tell her a secret, "it's about Andrew, Clair." She looked at him shocked "ok Ben I'll get her for you." "It's a girl?" "Yes Ben, is there something wrong with being a girl?" "No I- I didn't mean it like that, Clair," he stuttered. Clair gave a short laugh and left the room, presumably to gather the child. Ben stood there awkwardly, fiddling with his fingers. Not a minute later she came back in holding a pink bundle in her arms. "This is her?" "Yes," she said handing him the baby, "This little girl just appeared last night on the door step wrapped in this pink blanket no letter no nothing just there." Ben thanked Clair and left the orphanage heading back to his home. He ran up the driveway and entered the home. He grabbed a handful of gold coins from a dish on the counter. He put the baby in a clear tube and shut the door on the tube. He put each of the gold coins in a slot and pushed a button. The machine made a sound like a beeper and a screen materialized in front of him. "Where do you wish to send package ," a robotic voice asked him. "Marriean Destsert," he replied quickly. The machine made the same noise again and the pink bundle shot down. "There," Ben said, "Harlow is safe." He left to his room and climbed into bed tired from the eventful day.

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