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second book! whoop whoop!!


jaemin took a deep breath, staring up at the tall building with a lump in his throat. he shuffled forward, standing there for a bit longer before he actually went inside. 

"h-hello-" he mumbled.

the woman he had spoken to looked up from her papers with a warm smile.

"hello! how may i help you?" she asked. 

"i- uhm- i was here f-for the uhm- interview?" he stuttered out.

she nodded "yes, of course"

jaemin nodded and sat down once he had told her to, waiting for his interview. he was in a small crisis at the moment and could really use some cash. he was still quite young for a job since he was still in high school. but it was his senior year. 

jaemin sighed and let his head hang low. he really hoped it would go well.

"na jaemin?" a voice spoke.

"yes, that's me!" he still smiled and hopped up.

jaemin put on a happy attitude despite his nervous mood.

he was brought to a little office and plopped down in the chair provided for him.

"hello" he smiled, tilting his head a little.

the man across from him gave him a skeptical look as he slid his glasses off, laying them on the table.

"so, you're na jaemin, correct?" he asked.

"yes sir!" he replied happily.

"hmm... i'm eunwoo, but call me mister lee" the man muttered nonchalantly 

{ no, not our boy from astro }

"okay! nice to meet you mister lee!" jaemin grinned.

mr. lee kinda just.. glared, before going back to the files he had been holding.

"right... so it says here that you're only eighteen?" he asked.

"yes! that's correct" he nodded.

the man stopped for a moment before folding his hands.

"let me ask you, jaemin, what kind of job are you looking for?" he asked.

"well- obviously one i can do before or after school... preferably after school and- one that pays well i guess, i'm okay with doing jobs like cleaning up since i'm not really all that smart.." he spoke truthfully.

"what are you good at?" the man asked.

"well.. i speak a few different languages! and i guess i'm good at spelling! cleaning too- i'm good with some other things but they're not really important here" he answered while keeping his smile.

the man hummed, thinking hard as he flipped through his papers.

"can you drive?" he asked.

"yes! but i don't have a car of my own.." jaemin replied.

the man hummed again, thinking hard.

"i'll look over this and contact you if anything changes.." he said "you may go now, jaemin"

"okay! thank you sir!" he bowed quickly before leaving.

jaemin sighed, a little disappointed. he thought that this would go like the movies where they would just smile and say 'you're hired!' and he'd start right away. but not everything can be like the movies, can it. 

so he was off again, strolling down the sidewalk. he had dressed quite nice for this interview, wearing a white turtle neck and tight brown jeans. he even did his makeup for this!

as jaemin was walking, his mind was else where.

he let out a little shriek when a ball suddenly hit a gate he was walking passed.

"sorry!" he heard someone shout.

jaemin held his hands over his chest and gave a little nod.

he saw a few boys all in soccer gear. they didn't seem to be playing a game, or at least not an official one. 

two of them jogged over the gate where he was. 

"you okay?" one asked.

jaemin nodded slowly, his mouth slightly ajar as he stared at the boy.

they both nodded and ran off again to keep playing.

jaemin watched it all. the way they pushed their hair back, the way the sweat rolled down their necks, the way there muscles moved... they were hot.. and jaemin was whipped...

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