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     "OMG! Deena! You said you didn't like 5 Seconds of Summer!" yelled Liana on the other liine of the phone. I had to pull the phone at least an inch away from my ear to prevent ear problems from her. "You kissed one of the members!?"

     "What the heck are you talking about, dude?" I asked, totally dumbfound on her subject. What on earth was she going on about right now?

     "Check out Twitter! There's a rumour going 'round! Also, there's a pic attatched to the tweet. It's a boy and girl kissing that's been caught by the surveillance camera. It was rumoured to be Michael and his mysterious girl of his. It looked to me that it's you!" she went on, making my heart beat louder because of guilt. 

     "Alright, I'll check it out," I said, trying to hope it was all a misunderstanding and that it wasn't really Michael and I in the picture that's probably gone viral. "But I have to hangout. Text you later, Lili."

    Hanging up, I took in a few quick breathes before opening up my Twitter to check on this new 'viral picture'. I was to scared at first, but I had to make sure. But, what was I going to do after I check it? If it was really me, what was I going to do? 

     And there it is. The picture of Michael and I. Caught by the camera. And who knows who viewed this. One thing that was lucky was that they didn't know the exact location of where Michael is right now. But you'll never know what big companies like that can do. With money and power, they'll probably be able to find Michael and drag him back.

     But one question remains in my head, rewinding, repeating, over and over: What will happen to my dating relationship with him? Will I end officially end another relationship with someone I love? Will history repeat its cycle?

     Lili: So, did you check Twitter?

     DeenDi: Yeah, I did. Is it really me?

     Lili: You tell me!

     DeenDi: It's messed up, Li.

     Lili: So, it is u?

     DeenDi: Idk...

     Lili: What's up with u?!

     DeenDi: Just tired. Gtg. Bye.

     Lili: Fine. Bye. EXPLAIN TO ME SOON!!!

     I threw my phone onto the table and jumped onto my bed. I grabbed the covers and began crushing it with my fingers. I'm so mad right now. Every single relation ends with me with the broken heart. Why is life so cruel to an 18 year-old Deena?

     I knew I was going to be late but it didn't matter because it was my last day anyway. It's not like anything would really happen. And, I really need to see Michael for this. It's important. 

     "Mike? Mike are you in there?" I couldn't risk anything to be caught on camera once more, especially the cameras here in the hotel. If my Dad took a peek of it, I'll definitely be looked inside my room for the rest of the year. So, to cover up Michael's identity, using his name, 'Mike' seems like the appropriate thing to do.

     The door opened and the first thing I saw on his face was worry. It seemed like he knew already. He wanted to tell me but couldn't. He couldn't risk anything else for now. "Did you..."

     "I saw it," I said to him, in a low whisper. Again, not wanting to let the cameras catch anything. I knew there weren't any around right now. But sometimes, you wouldn't know. "What are we going to do? What will happen to us when you're found?"

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