The Kiss ( IV )

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"She's exquisitely beautiful" he thought to himself as he watched her descended the  elaborately lit staircase.

She's always been beautiful to him eversince they were young.

When she smiles you cannot help but smile too. Her smile can brightened up even the gloomiest days. It shone like stars that light even the darkest nights.

Her alluring brown eyes that can make his time stopped and bring back old memories everytime she looks at him.

Her pale pink pouty lips that reminds him of a soft sweet cotton candy that he  wanted to lick.

She was all about simplicity. Unaware that she is pretty makes her more charming.

That's what he loves about her.

Yue was wearing a pale lavender lace gown. Her hair is intricately braided. Her corset is embelished with delicate flowers that pushes up her endowed bosom. Her dress clings to every curve of her body that screams how womanly she is. It has an air of seduction. Her dress wanted to seduce someone and he fervently pray that it's him.

His eyes followed her every move. She stopped and exchange pleasantries  everytime she meet someone she knew.

She turned rigid. She sense that someone is watching her. She scanned the crowd and met the eyes that can freeze every nerve of her body.

She curtsyed and nodded to him.

He smiled back.

Her heart stopped for a split second.



She thanked the heavens for whatever it was that made him smile.

It was two days ago that he met her in her house.

He left abruptly without saying anything after seeing Connor.

~~ Two days ago~~


Come here!

She's waving at him frantically.

If looks could kill, her foolish soon to be ex fiancee is already dead by now.

His back was facing Connor so he can't tell if he is now near him.

He need to turn around so he can see him and probably commits his first murder right away.

He was contemplating if he just walked away without seeing him or........

He swiftly turned around.

Curiosity always kills the cat.....

His eyes were large as saucers upon seeing Connor.

He's a dog??? He asked dumbfounded.

Connor is a dog??? He asked again. He can't believe that Shen Yue was talking about her dog.

Why would you named your dog Connor?? Disbelief all over his face.

Why couldn't I??? Connor gave it to me so I named his dog after him. She slightly frowned her forehead as she answered his question.

You are such a simple minded person my lady. His lips twitched  trying to stop himself to smile.

Why would I complicate things my Lord? Would you rather named him Lord Dylan? she chuckled.

He looked at her and finally his anger subsided.

Connor, the one who had sex all over the place was a dog.

Thank goodness! He said to himself.

He tried to say something to her but he lost his tonque so he just turned around and left her.

He's still inlove with her.

He can't resist the woman he never stop loving.

That realization dawned to him when he visited her house a few days ago.

He truly missed her.

He missed talking to her.

He missed looking at her lips everytime she talks.

He missed hearing her laugh.

He missed everything about her.

How he managed without her was a mystery that he cannot fathomed.

Is it too late now?

To amend things with her?

After all what he did.

He did not listen to whatever her explanation.

He just blocked her.

During the two days of without seeing her, he decided to forget everything. He will not ask for her explanation because whether he likes it or not she has all the right to kiss every man she likes. He was an immature jerk. He will bury the last five years like it never happened.

She will be his wife soon and he can have her but he can't have her heart.

Her heart belongs to someone else.

He just don't care anymore.

Would he rather spend another years without her and achingly missed her


Spend it with her even if it hurt him.

He gulped the remaining alcohol and walked towards her without leaving his eyes on her.

He will choose his happiness no matter where it takes him.

He closely watched her as she turned her head towards the main door. As he followed her gaze he abruptly halted as he reconized whom she was looking at and gave him her most delicate smile.


He's here.

Connor the human being.

His world swirled around. Panic started to sinked it.

He saw her slightly glimpsed at him.

He will never let go of her this time

Come what may.

He walked with long decisive steps towards her. Yanked her to him and before she could muster a single word, he crushed her mouth with his lips in a hungry kiss that's worth a thousand lifetimes.

For the first time in forever he didn't care that he is an earl that should follow a proper decorum.

He must ruined her infront of London's socialites to mark her as his.

She only belongs to him.

No one else.

I'm so sorry that it took me a looong time to update this story. I'm not really good at this since im a kind of person that is  easily disracted and my mind keeps on wandering to another plot ( hence the title of this oneshot) There's a lot of fanfics to read too but I have so little time. Real life sucks.😭😭😭

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