Chapter 1 - The Order of the Pheonix - You Forgot Someone

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"The ones who love us never truly leave us."

A/N: This first part is in Harry's 5th year at Ron and Hermione's party for becoming prefects.

The party at 12 Grimmauld Place was in full swing. People were laughing and chatting all through the dining room in which the party resided. Fred and George were laughing and chatting with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin about past pranks and those that they planned to pull. Hermione, Ginny and Tonks were all in a corner talking about who knows what. Bill was talking to his parents, Arthur and Molly Weasley, as well as most other adults as they all milled about laughing and having a good time.

Well, all except one.

Harry Potter stood off to the side a frown adorning his face as he watched the people mill about happily. He didn't know why he was so annoyed. Maybe it was because Dumbledore was keeping secrets from him, not to mention ignoring him completely. Or maybe it was the fact that Ron and Hermione got the role of Prefect and he himself didn't. Or maybe it was the fact that as these people milled around laughing his scar prickled uncomfortably, reminding him not only of what he has to lose but also what he's lost.

As he stood there brooding he didn't realise that Mad-Eye Moody had broken away from the group of people he was talking with and had come to stand beside him until he started talking shaking the boy as he had not expected anyone to talk to him.

"Hey, Potter," He greeted in his gruff voice. "I have something for ya." Mad-Eye reached into his pocket and pulled out what seemed to be an old photograph. He presented it to the startled boy. "This is a picture of the original Order of the Phoenix." He explained as Harry's eyes watched the picture, trying to figure out who the occupants were as they smiled up at him, waving. As he did so, Moody started to introduce each person. "That's me," He said pointing, rather unnecessarily, at a younger version of himself. "And that's Dumbledore beside me, Dedalus Diggle on the other side ... that's Marlene McKinnon, she was killed two weeks after this was taken, they took her whole family. That's Alice and Frank Longbottom -"

Harry's stomach lucked at the sight of them as he knew Alice's round friendly face anywhere, as it was the same face as her son's, Neville Longbottom.

"- Poor devils," Moody growled before continuing. "Better dead then what happened to them ... and that's Emmeline Vance, you've met her, and there's Lupin, obviously ... Benjy Fenwick, he copped it too, we only ever found bits of him ... shift aside there." He said poking the picture, the little photographic people moved so that the people who were partially obscured could move to the front. "That's Edgar Bones ... brother of Amelia Bones, they got him and his family too, he was a great wizard ... Sturgis Podmore, blimey he looks young ... Caradoc Dearborn vanished six months after this, we never found the body ... Hagrid, of course, looks the same as ever ... Elphias Doge, you've met him, I'd forgotten he used to wear that stupid hat ... Gideon Prewett, it took five Death Eaters to kill him and his twin brother Fabian, they fought like heroes ... Budge along, budge along." The last lot of people came to the front. "That's Dumbledore's brother Alberforth, the only time I ever met him, strange bloke ... that's Dorcas Meadows, Voldemort killed her personally ... Sirius when he still had short hair ... that traitor Pettigrew." Moody spat out his name as if it was worse than a piece of dog poo that had been rolled in mud, then cooked and then left to rot for the next ten thousand years. "And finally here's what I wanted to show you. Lily and James Potter, the final members of the original Order." Harry stared at his parents smiling faces as they waved at him through the photograph, truly happy not knowing the betrayal that was to come from the rat animagus standing next to them.

"You forgot someone." Sirius' voice said beside them, shocking Harry once again.

"And who is that?" Moody said gruffly eyeing Sirius.

"Siria White, stop hiding behind my shoulder and come forward in the name of Sirius Black the named after the Dog Star, the brightest star in the sky, the same star you were named after. Step forward and reveal yourself." All the people who had gathered around the picture, which coincidently, was all the occupants in the room, looked at Sirius like he was completely insane. Well, that was until a head popped out from behind the photographic Sirius' shoulder seeming to asses the situation before coming forward and into the spotlight. Sirius smiled fondly at the small girl, although tears filled his eyes just by looking at her. "Excuse me." He muttered before rushing out of the room. The rest of the occupants of the house stared after the black-haired male before turning to the girl in the picture. She had pale lilac hair, pale skin and vivid, bright violet eyes.

Until she didn't.

Moments after everyone had seen her like that she changed. Soon after she had tan skin, deep blue eyes and chocolate brown hair. "Ahhh yes, Paws," Remus said sadly. "She was captured by Voldemort maybe an hour after this was taken. Sirius hasn't been able to look at a photo of her without crying since she left." The rest of the group looked very confused. 

"Who is she?" Harry asked his curiosity taking over making him ask the question they all were thinking. 

They went to turn to Remus, but he had left the room to go comfort Sirius, leaving them to turn to Moody. "I don't know much about her. Practically nothing in fact. If you want to know anything about her I would go to Lupin or Black. The only things I know is that she and Sirius were the perfect match and had been in love since they were children and was part of the Marauders and became close to all of them except Pettigrew, she had always suspected him I believe but no one ever believed her. We should have. And the fact that she sacrificed her life for the entirety of the Order. It was mere hours after this." He remembered, seeming lost in thought. "We were all having a drink just laughing and playing around when we made a toast, but there was a motion port key on the cups and as we clinked them together we were transported to Voldemort and his entire army. Apparently, Siria had invented spells herself, and she used one of them. A shield we could send spells out but none could come in and then she battled her way through the crowd killed most of Voldemort's army, she did, but as she turned to battle some of the Death Eaters Voldemort himself appeared behind her and shot her with a spell before disappearing with her no one has seen her since. She saved all of our lives that day, and none of the Marauders has been the same after she left, they even stopped pranking for 2 months after." All of the people in the room were shell shocked by the time that he had finished. 

"I-I-I think it's time to go to sleep." Molly murmuring to the rest of the group who nodded mutely and headed off to their respective beds for the night, minds riddled with questions but no answers.

The only people awake were Remus and Sirius, both of which were crying for the loss of the girl that brought so much joy laughter and mystery. A single photo was clenched in Sirius' hands, the photo album that rested next to him had a photo missing from the page, there were vines and other designs drawn all over it telling the story of their lives. Each photo had a detailed description below it and a shorter one on the back so that they would remember these moments forever, a handsome young boy with light tan skin, luscious black hair and stormy grey eyes carrying a pale-skinned, lavender-haired, violet-eyed girl on his back as they laughed in front of the Black Lake. The picture mocked him of a time and place where everything was perfect. To think of at the age of 16 the boy in the photo had wanted to grow up, while his lover on his back had murmured in his ear, "I never want this to end," seconds after the photo was taken. And now he couldn't agree more with the young girl. He never wanted that moment to end, but end it did and it brought along all the misery and pain of the entire land.


Hi everyone! 

My name is ArcticWolf 0709 but please call me Wolfie. 

Thank you so so much for tapping on this story to read. I know it won't be the best one that you have ever read but thank you for doing so anyway. 

I will be updating this story, like all of my others, when the inspiration comes as the chapters always come out better if I do so please put up with me if there is a large break between the updates. 

∞ Wolfie ∞

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