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Annie's pov
We made it to the diner & we got out of the car, Diego grabbed my hand, I looked at him & smiled & he smiled at me back. We walked into the diner & walked over to a booth, we sat across each other at the booth & started talking.

-Diego: why u wanted to go here?
-Annie: idk, just felt like it.. we could go do something else after this.
-Diego: any suggestions?
-Annie: nope, but u can come up wit something because u was half sleep when I decided to pick this place to go at.
Diego: well damn, maybe the city walk then the movie's?
-Annie: I like that idea 😊.
-Diego: then it's settled.

Diego's pov
We ordered our food & was just talking abt random stuff, laughing & things like that. We got up & walked out the diner hand to hand & got in the car, I drove off. I started driving to the movies while jamming to music. After like 20 minutes maybe? I pulled up in front of the movies. I look over at Annie to see her focus on her phone, I think she's playing a game because she keeps saying 'die u bitch' & 'i fucking hate this shit' I laughed at her & she looked up from her phone.

-Annie: what?
--Diego: were here.
Annie: ohhh.

They got out & walked into the place, they decided they was gonna go watch 'Pet sematary' .

-Diego: what type snacks u want?
-Annie: I want sour patches, popcorn, a Sprite, Doritos, potato chips, cookies, & crunch bites.
-Diego: wtf-
-Annie: that's for me & u dumbass.
-Diego: ohrd, I was abt to make fun of ya ass.
-Annie: salty asf much?
-Diego: whatever u say beautiful.

Annie's pov
I wait until Diego finally got the snack, abt time!! Anyways he carried them because what I look like carting something when there's a boy right here to do it 😂. Tbh, I like Diego so fucking much it's driving me crazy! He's hot asf, his lips are so soft, his eyes are beautiful, & his hair is my favorite. Anyone would be lucky to have him in their life & I'm grateful for that 😩. But we walked into the movie theater & sat down, THESE CHAIRS ARE SO FUCKING COMFY!! Diego sat the snacks on the arm rest & the movie started (1h : 16mins later) the movie ended, Me & Diego got up & walked out of their & drove to city walk.

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