I honestly didn't know what to do. I kinda just stood there. I would love to be adopted but I can't leave my family. And I know this guy won't want six kids.

"Well, as lovely as that would be, I'm afraid I'll have to say no."

He arched an eyebrow. "Odd. Normally kids jump at the opportunity to be adopted."

His choice of words irked me but I didn't know why.

"I'm one of six kids. All half siblings. I'm all they have. I can't leave them."

Something crossed his face. Just for a brief moment before being replaced with pity.

"All half siblings? Interesting. Usually one would give up on remarrying at that point. I assume you all share a father?" He waited for me to nod, which I did. "Where is he?"

I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my hoodie, to hide how the mention of father made me shake.

"Prison. Life sentence. He would remarry, wait till she gave birth to a child and kill her. He killed every single one of his wives. After the last one, I had proof, so I told the police. They arrested him and that was the last we ever saw of him."

Again, a look crossed his face for a moment. But then shock and pity filled it.

"I'm sorry. That must've been terrible."

I nodded, looking at my shoes. We stood there for a minute, neither knowing how to further the conversation.

He cleared his throat. "I would like to adopt you and your siblings."

I looked up in shock. Nobody ever wanted us, especially after hearing about our past.


"Yes." He responded. "My wife and I always wanted children. Twelve we would always say. Split evenly. Six boys and six girls." He laughed to himself. "Then she got sick. She didn't make it. So now, it's just me and a big empty house. I never thought I would be ready, but now I know I am. And you and your siblings deserve a family."

I went to say something when a door and a loud voice interrupted me.

"ALEX! Are you here?!" I mentally cursed, as I heard the voice of my brother.

"One second, Tom!" I shouted back. I looked at the man. "I'll be back in a moment."

I rushed out of the main room and towards the back, where my siblings were taking off their coats.

"Where were you?" Harper asked. "We were waiting for you."

I nodded. "I know, I'm sorry. I forgot. But you and Thomas are 15. You guys can do just fine. And I was kinda busy."

A smile made it's way to my face.

"What's a matter with you? You look crazy." Simon snarked.

"There's a man here and he wants to adopt us. All of us." I watched as smiles filled their faces. "Which means that all of us need to be on our best behavior. Okay?"

They nodded.

"Alright, let's go."

A/N: I'M BACK!!!!!! Also, it will always be Alex's POV unless I say otherwise.

Also thank you to @Kate_L19 for giving me the motivation to bring this back!

Have a nice day!


Word Count: 531

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