#1 Jace, Right?

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My name is Clarissa Fray, but everyone calls me Clary. I'm currently a rather infamous student at Brooklyn Academy of Art. Yes, that's right. Infamous. Want to know why? No worries, you'll know about it soon enough.

Just about two hours ago I experienced deja vu, which was not a new thing for me. I've been getting deja vu for a year now. Not only it happened when I was awake, but also in my sleep, every night.

This recent few weeks, I'm having deja vu a lot more than the usual, and each time it feels more and more realistic.

I'm so sick of it already. I want it to stop, but how? Come to think of it, it all started since that one hell of a strange night, which happened exactly a year ago from now. My mind starts to replay flashback of that night.

- - - a year ago - - -

Clary : Uh, where am I?

My eyes roved around the unfamiliar buildings. Initially confused, but as I tried to see further beyond this neighborhood, I then recognized that I was still in Brooklyn. Just not at an area where I would likely visit.

Clary : How did I get here?

It appeared like I suddenly got lost in the middle of the street with no ID, and absolutely no money.

The traces of my tears were still warm on my cheeks. I had no idea why I was crying. Maybe because I got lost, and since I didn't have my purse with me, I probably got robbed by a street thief.

Something wasn't right. In fact, everything didn't feel right. I mean, why the heck was I walking alone here and crying? Where was I before that? And where was I going?

I glanced down to examine myself. Obviously I was from a party because I was wearing an elegant low-cut cocktail dress in red. Wait, not red. It was maroon. I wasn't even sure if it was my dress. I couldn't remember when and where I bought it.

I tilted my head in contemplate, trying to formulate a probable cause that led me to my current situation.

Maybe I found my boyfriend cheated on me with a girl who had a bigger rack than me at the party, and then I used my purse to hit the girl's face.

Since it sounded like fun, my brain can't stop imagining the continuation of the drama.

After I hit her face, I stepped closer to shout at her.

Clary : Just so you know, my boyfriend, ex now, likes to pick his nose every night before sleeping, and his underwears? They're all pink!

Then I turned to my supposedly boyfriend, giving him a death glare.

Clary : Did you hear that? Ex-boyfriend! We're over. The end.

I spat him on the face.

Clary : Oh, and I will burn that butt scratcher you left on my bed.

Ex-boyfriend : It's a back scratcher.

Clary : You use it to scratch your butt!

Ex-boyfriend : So what? It makes my ass sexy. Sexier than yours.

Clary : And that's why you're an asshole.

I stormed out crying in meltdown, and completely forgotten about my purse. The end.

Voila! I snapped my fingers as the dramatic scenario I created in my imagination had somehow explained my situation, but then my smile faltered as soon as a revelation hit my mind. I just remembered that I didn't have a boyfriend.

I sighed. Before making any stupid scenario again, I tried to recall the last thing I was doing, and I remembered going out with my friends, Simon and Maureen.

Clace : The Absence of ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now