Chapter 1: Starving

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Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from It. I only own my OCs featured in this story.

AN: I am not going to use the pronouns it, its, itself for Pennywise because I feel like I'll be confusing myself by using too many 'it's. So, I'm going to just use a specific gender pronoun in parentheses based on what physical form Pennywise takes. For example, if Pennywise's form looks masculine (he/his/himself, etc), feminine (she/her/herself, etc), and if I do decide to do a gender-neutral form (they/them/themselves, etc). 

Also, this chapter was inspired by the deleted scene where Georgie survived. You are free to view the video if you like before, during, or after reading this story. The artwork featured in this chapter is created by me. Other genres in this story include Supernatural, Humor, Hurt & Comfort, and Romance.  With all of that said and done, enjoy the story.   

     Hunger could not even describe the pain Pennywise felt during (his) long hibernation. Imagine only having a small bowl of rice for only one meal every two to three days at a time. Now convert that to the span of one year to feast to the slumber of twenty-eight long years in constant irritable hunger pains. Pennywise had to endure another year of sleep to be certain that the brats who almost defeated (him) in 1989 let their guard down a little. But (he) didn't know that sleeping an extra year with the addition of going into hibernation earlier would result in the agonizing toll it had on (his) body. The pain was excruciating were it felt like thousands of needles were constantly poking and prodding into you as well as the violent burning of stomach acid churning and aching to be relieved after having something, anything, to digest and satisfy it. 

     Pennywise opened (his) glowing hungry golden eyes and started to climb out of (his) "den" to start (his) desperate hunt for some savoring, delicious children full of fear in their bright big tearful eyes. A loud bodily growl emanated from (his) stomach before (he) clenched his abdomen in pain. "Ugggghhh, I can't take it any longer! I need to feed on some fresh human flesh right now!" (he) complained in a fit of (his) hangry attitude. "I don't care if I eat the flesh of a baby, child, teen, adult, or some old fart at this point! I just want to eat SOMETHING, ANYTHING, to satisfy my palate." Once (he) was out of the well, Pennywise looked up at the beautiful starry navy blue sky. (He) groaned and whispered out (his) childish complaint. "Oh great, it's the middle of the night. It's going to be a lot harder to find even a rebellious teenager out walking about the streets tonight." (He) let out a long exhausted sigh. "Well, better start looking for some easy prey wandering around the streets." With that said, Pennywise vanished in a blink of an eye. 

     Meanwhile, a young lady sprinted down the desolate street of Derry in a hurry. She wore a dark purple sleeveless jacket over her black wool turtleneck were the ends of the sleeves had thumb slits for the thumbs to go through them. The shirt also had a cool long front and back tail of a black and red checkered cloth design. Her dark blue jeans were mostly covered by her black knee-length boots that had a silver chain at the heels. A Jansport's black and gray floral lace print stashal swayed back and forth along with the clanking of metal chains and heavy footsteps of her boots. The girl's face was mostly covered by her jacket's hood, but long strands of beautiful brown hair swayed out of the hood against her fair pale peach skin tone. The girl turned her head to look back behind her before she grabbed her bag and opened it. Her hand ravaged through her stuff to find something.

     She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings when her foot caught on something, making her fall to the hard black pavement spilling all of her belongings everywhere. "Aw crud! Not now," she whispered under her breath as she quickly gathered her assortment of paintbrushes, papers, pencils, sketchbooks, journals, and other items. One of her papers flew down into the sewer drain from a gust of wind. "Shoot!" she cried out as she tried to slide and grab the paper, but the paper slipped away from her fingers and down into the sewers. The girl let out a sigh as she was about to get up, grab her bag, and leave when her sharp senses caught the presence of someone or something nearby. Her body tensed up more as a voice called out to her in a childlike way.

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