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         Maeve is still holding Calum’s hand as they enter the café. They order their coffee, Pumpkin Spiced Latte for Maeve, and go find a spot to sit down.

         “This latte is delicious,” Maeve states with grin, looking across the table at Calum. For some reason, all she can think about is how Ashton had been smiling at her from across the table the other night; his dimples, the way he laughed, the sound of his voice.

         “I have to agree with that statement,” Calum smiles goofily at her, “I mean that mine is delicious, not yours, because I haven’t tasted yours.”

         Maeve laughs, “You’re an idiot, Calum.”

         “That was insulting,” Calum pretends to be hurt by her comment. And she has to admit, his hurt face is adorable.

         “I’m sorry, I really thought you already knew,” Maeve says seriously, looking at him with a straight face.

         “Ouch, that burns a little,” Calum grins. After a few more minutes of flirty conversation, Calum volunteers to walk Maeve home, and she allows him to.

         “Thank you for letting me take you out for that coffee,” He smiles as they walk up to her house.

         “Thank you for inviting me,” She smiles back, but she probably shouldn’t have left her eyes on him, because she trips on the steps leading up to her front porch. Calum catches her, putting his hands on her waist to steady her, and she puts her hands against his chest instinctively to catch herself. And they’re in the same position that they were in back at the school.

         They stand there quietly, unusually close, just looking at each other. At some point she found herself lost in his big brown eyes, and that’s when all logic vanished from her brain.

         Before she knew what she was doing, she found herself leaning in towards him, and pressing her lips against his. Calum responds immediately, kissing her back. She hesitantly runs a hand through his hair, and his arms wrap around her waist tightly. Maeve suddenly pulls away, because it feels wrong all of sudden.

         She doesn’t like Calum. She doesn’t want Calum to like her. There’s only one person that she wants to like her.

         It’s Ashton. It will always be Ashton.

         “I-I better go now, I’ll see you later, yeah?” Calum says quickly, looking flustered.

         “See you later, Calum,” Maeve responds, watching him walk away.

         Her stupid clumsiness caused that impromptu make out session. Stupid clumsiness. Maybe the whole time with Calum wasn’t in vain. It made her realize something.

        She is hopelessly in love with Ashton.

         As she walks inside, her head spinning, her phone receives a text message.

From: Aaaaaaaaaashton: Oh, earlier I meant to tell you that youve been talking to him nearly every day

         But she hasn’t been talking to Calum nearly every day?


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