High School Cutie

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Luka a 18 year old guy who doesn't care about anyone or anything around him. He is quiet and distant from others. He gives people a cold shoulder and isn't really sorry for it he just wants to be left alone. His life was in a shatter predicament his father hurting him and his Mother and his Mother working outside late at night. He wanted to leave this kind of world and go somewhere where there's nothing to bother him.

The day starts off with Luka sitting in the back looking out the window minding his own business. Everybody else were talking and gossiping. Then the teacher comes in and everyone sat down. "Hello Morning everyone. Today we have a new student.....he was here before but he transfer and now He's back. Well....come in." He motioned his hand.

A short boy about 4'3 walks in and he was 17 years old even though he doesn't look like it. He has short orange hair and brown soft eyes. He was wearing the school uniform and holding a bag in his hand. He turns to the Class and smiled.
"Hi I'm Shu and it's nice to meet you." The girls were giggling of how cute Shu was and the boys were thinking He's cute but doesn't show it.
"Hey Shu..your back." a tall guy with black hair to his neck and purple eyes waved at Shu. Shu waved and runs up to him "Long time no see Rin..." "Yeah it's been a while." Rin laughs. "Alright let's get Class started." The teacher said and writes on the bored and began a lecture. Shu sat at a seat next to Luka and he glanced at him and thought he was spaced out or irritated. Luka was both of that he had too much on his mind so he didn't say anything to Shu. He looked at Shu at the corner of his eye and thought 'He's so short......and so happy.....why is he? Wait why do I care?' He sighs and continue looking out the window.

After 2 hours class ended, it was lunchtime. Shu was eating with Rin at there desks. He was laughing and chatting catching up with his friend Rin. "Shu how is your Mom?" "She's fine. Still embarrassing at times you know how she is." Rin Laughs and ruffles Shu hair "Your still short I see. You only grown only two inches." Shu puffed his cheeks and moved Rin hand from his hair "So what if I'm short.....your just too tall. And I only grown 5 inches." Rin shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Well whatever. Hey we really need to hang out again. One if these days so I can see your Mom." Shu hits Rin head and Rin laughs as he rubs his head at the spot Shu hit. "Leave my Mother out of this idiot." He takes a bite of some more of his lunch and after a while class started again.

The Class was gym and Shu was shorter than the others. He was wearing short red shorts to his thighs and a white shirt. It was the gym uniform for everybody to wear. "Man Shu.....you look cute in shorts. " Rin pokes Shu side and arms. "Hey don't poke me. And don't call me cute." Rin laughs. And the teacher said to run laps around the field and stretches. Luka was in a classroom looking out at the field. He trailed his eyes to Shu and saw that he was cute as everyone said. 'Why do I think that? I must be losing it....' he thought.

Girls and boys went up to Shu asking him questions. "Shu...you look so cute. Are you really 17?" One girl asked. "Do you like sweets?" "So do you have a girlfriend.? " Shu laughs nervously and couldn't answer the girls questions since he was embarrassed. "Awww Shu your kawaii.. " "Yes....it's Ok Shu-chan " the girls giggle. And the teacher told them to focus back on class and the girls were disappointed that they had to leave Shu and get back to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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