Louder than Words

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- How much more pathetic can you get!? - the leader laughed, pointing his finger from above - You can't even scream for anyone to help you!

I was still sitting on the ground with my eyes wandering around, trying to find all of my lost belongings, now scattered in the grass. It was supposed to be a peaceful walk back from school. Cursed whoever decided to cross mine and their path once again on the same freaking day.

My whole body wanted to scream: from anger, humiliation and pain. But I remained silent, having no other choice. That was basically the reason for all of my problems. Being mute is a real pain in the butt, not exactly because you can't clearly express what's on your mind, but mainly because some people, like the group currently towering over me, don't pity the disabled, but label them as freaks. Whenever I looked these morons dead in the eye, informing they should fuck off, it only pushed them further, because I was the dangerous one here, after all.

Since my mouth couldn't even produce a loud sigh, I could only imagine all the terrible things that those three would possibly encounter on their way back home. The tallest, green-haired one, might get ran over by a school bus - you never know. The shortest, with elastic limbs, may be electrocuted due to unexpected thunder - life's a mystery. The middle one, a disgusting pig (not insulting poor animals), currently occupied with kicking my backpack once again, could go down the river and drown, suddenly falling head first into the water - that's highly possible, considering he can't swim.

Before I could repeat gathering all of the school supplies, my body got yanked up by the collar of my shirt. The group's leader forced me to look him in the eye. The realization hit me that I didn't even know their names.

- So what, you actually won't do anything about it? - the shit-eating grin didn't leave his face even for a moment - And who the fuck do you think would need a hero like this, huh? Not only you're nuts, your quirk is more suitable for a villain!

Oh, if only I could talk. I would probably start chattering about how they were just jealous of me getting accepted to UA, while they'd messed up the entry exam. I would probably start explaining my quirk, even though they're too dumb to understand its essence. But, like I said, I'm only a mere freak. So I just stared at him with bored expression, feeling that a dump truck would be better than a school bus.

I placed a hand on the boy's fingers, forcing him to let go of my shirt. A second later I realized how funny the situation was, considering both of my arms were placed at my sides. In order to finally understand what the heck was going on I blinked twice and shot a glance at the person who had just appeared next to the tallest member. For a moment I thought my vision was doubled 'cause both guys had green hair, except the guest had them darker. He still kept his hand on the leader's wrist before speaking up.

- What is the problem? - his voice wasn't as confident as I had expected, but remained calm - Let go of her, could you?

He must be out of his mind, I thought, standing against three muscular douche bags on his own. The boy, however, didn't hesitate even when the bully shook his hand away, ultimately pushing me aside, and glanced at him with disgust.

- Do I even know you? It's not your goddamn business what we do!

Sadly, he was right. Not being able to speak up, I proceeded to look back and forth at the two, focusing more on the dark-haired freckled boy. His appearance seemed oddly familiar, but I couldn't recall where had I seen him before.

- That's not true - he said suddenly, raising his finger as if lecturing the three - As an aspiring hero, it is my duty to help those in distress. I highly recommend you back off and don't come here again anytime soon.

Louder than Words - Deku x Reader One ShotWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu