First quote for season 2, Scary-oke (And Notice)

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Me: Okay lets start adding funny quotes for season 2! Wait wait wait wait... Over 100 reads? Already? OMG! I know this isn't that great but WOW! I didn't think I would get this far! WOW! I don't even have the words just WOW! Thank you guys so much! *Goes over to podium* I'd like to thank the academy-that I didn't attend.

Okay but seriously, let's get to some quotes for Season 2.

Season 2; Episode 1. SCARY-OKE

Agent Powers: My name is Agent Powers, and this is Agent Trigger. We're here to investigate reports of mysterious activity in this town.

Agent Trigger: (pointing at Stan) Activity!

Stan: "Mysterious activity?" At the Mystery Shack? You must be joking!

Agent Powers: I assure you, I am not. I was born with a rare disorder that prevents me from experiencing humor.

Stan: (laughs nervously)

Agent Powers: I don't understand that sound you're making with your mouth.

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