so i'm,, alive ig

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ik no1 even cares bc no1 rlly reads this


i've been like,, not on wattpad as u can c
bc like,, it got kinda boring yk
but like here i am ig

also school started & im living that junior life
Depressed & Fhkin Stressed
like i take 2 math classes
coz im,, rlly dumb

im ready 2 b emotionally & physically drained yeehaw

& i lowkey got dumped like,, a week ago?? i dno,, but it was a couple days b4 school n shit
it sucks coz like lol that took a critical hit on my mental state
which means im prolly gonna sulk & not do my work,,,,,, a g a i n

its funny coz i was like "ima work on mE this suMmEr yUH!1!!11!" & im still,,
the same

srry im like

life just ain't gr8
but the good news is im prolly gonna slip slide back on this app soz

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