TD backstory + Redesign story

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Author note: MK stands for Meta Knight, and BWD stands for Bandana Waddle Dee.
Also the whole story is in TD's POV. Unless stated otherwise

On with the story!


TD standard look

TD standard look

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Battle look

TD: h-hi guys

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TD: h-hi guys... I know I look different.
B-but ill explain...

Lets start with my backstory.

You see, Dedede wasnt my father...
He was my uncle...

My real family emotionally abused me for years..
I was an only child, and my parents hated me, they called me many rude names. Like; "Disapointment! Freak! Waste of space! Money waster! Disgusting!" The list goes on, and on..
They were extremely homophobic as well. When i came out at 10 years old as gay, They were enraged.
They never wanted me...
Heck, the only provided me one meal a day, and only one pair of clothes! Which was a purple jumper, which was 3 sizes too big, and a pair of too small slippers..

Looking back im suprised I was as chubby as I was with only 1 meal a day...

Probably just my genetics.

When i was 14, they called me a disgrace and a disapointment to the family. And kicked me out...

They never physically abused me though...
Im still suprised to this day that they didnt beat me.

But back to the story.

After they kicked me out, I ran away. But found myself deep in the underground after falling into a hole, meeting Sans and Papyrus. I stayed with them for about a year. Sans taught me a lot. Like portal possibilities, and telekinisis!
One day I felt like i should roam, and Sans and Papyrus said their goodbyes. But before I left, Sans handed me a goodbye gift. It was a rainbow bandana! The skeleton bros knew I was gay, and wanted me to show it! I thanked them for everything. and they sent me back up to the surface. To continue my journey.

And to answer a question, I did have hair when i was younger. I shaved my head when i got my bandana from Sans. I never liked having hair on my head, im not sure why. I was happy to have it shaved off

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