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Darkness... Before we are born we endure the darkness, it consumes us and then when we are born we are free to choose our own path... Or so we are told.

Werewolf or Vampire, both fanged creatures with equal rage. I was given a simple choice... But I couldn't choose. How could I when both are my mates? When both had a mate pull over me. Both pulled me in with equal force.

My life's path was chosen for me from the moment I was born. I was told I had a choice but his leash was too tight, too suffocating... too overwhelming.

Twins... I wonder what our parents would say if they saw us now. 'It's sinful! Taboo! Disgusting!' yeah... That's what they would say, mouths full of spite and distaste, and yet I wouldn't blame them. I know of my sin and I know how it'll end.

Cam... Luke... I wonder how you'll feel once you've realized that you've truly broken me, I guess now I'm free. But I never knew freedom could feel so much like hell.


Hello readers! ^_^

This is a new book that I've been planning and I'm happy to say that I'm ready to start writing it!

I'm still writing Hack Blood and don't plan to stop so I've decided to just switch between both when ever I have inspiration! :)

please enjoy and have fun reading! ;)

I'll be posting soon,

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