Chapter Eleven.

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Alex made the biggest mistake of his life, unknowingly or knowingly it didn't matter because either way he had ruined his sister's life.

Alex's pov.
Guilt was eating me up. As a brother I shouldn't have opened my mouth about Jenny but I can trust Lucy right?
I mean she just wants to fix her friendship with Jenny.

Mrs Morgan: Come on Jenny, cheer up, you're going to uni after so long and surely you can't show up with that frown on your face right?

Jennifer: Yeah mum, you're right but I have a gut feeling that something is going to happen today...

Mrs Morgan : Like what?

Jennifer: I really don't know but I have a strong feeling it's going to be something really bad.

Mrs Morgan : Oh honey, I'm sure it's nothing, you've probably been over thinking about everything.
Just relax.

Jennifer: No mum, I've not been over thinking besides ever since..........the Saint Lucian thing, my gut feelings have only gotten stronger and true.

Mrs Morgan: Honey, it's been a year since that incident. Don't bring it up now and ruin the peace of mind you finally got.

Jennifer: From the time I woke up, that's the only thing that's been playing in my head, and how I should have listened to my gut feeling back then.

Mrs Morgan : Well that's probably why you've been having that gut feeling cause you've been thinking about that.

Jennifer's pov.
Mum's probably right, but those six months in Saint Lucian without my close family were the worst months of my life. At least I know that secret is safe after all, it's only my family that knows.

Jennifer left for university with a hope that everything would be okay. Liam hadn't spoken to her and Logan. Although Logan had no fault. He couldn't stand the hate Liam was giving him hence he decided to go back to Seattle, but after paying Jennifer a surprise visit.


Jennifer's pov.
Okay, so university seems fine from the time I've walked in, everyone is minding their own business but I don't see Liam around.
I hope he's here even if he doesn't want to speak to me....

Random student: HEY YOU!

Jennifer: erm..... are you talking to me?

Random student: Depends, this is you right?

Jennifer's pov.
I-I can't believe this......he's holding a poster with my picture and .....secret!

Random student: Why this is you!
Who knew such a sweet, sweet innocent looking girl like you had such an ugly side. A side that's been to juvie?

Jennifer: NO this isn't's all a lie.

Random student: uh huh, so why are these posters plastered all over the university huh?
I've seen you around here once and the rest of us know nothing about you.
So tell me what you did Jennifer?

Jennifer: I -I didn't do anything.

Liam: Hey!
Leave her alone!

Jennifer's pov .
I couldn't think straight. No one was supposed to know that I went to juvy for six months.Liam came, he came to help me but, but he had one of the posters in his hand...

Random student: Dude mind your own business.

Liam: She's my.....friend and I won't let you attack her for some stupid rumor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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