Chapter 7 (Gary)

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Gary followed Mark and Howard through the twists and turns that were the corridors of the arena. They knew this route like the back of their hands, not one of them needed to break their stride to make sure they were headed in the right direction. This was home, they left a piece of their hearts and souls here every night they performed, it was like their second home.

He realized he was humming the same tune over and over again, Mark turned around to him making him walk backwards and said "I like that Gaz, its catchy. Might have some to lyrics to go with that" He winked and turned back round.

This was always a precious day for them, the first night. It was when they could tell how the show was being received and see where they needed to boost the energy in the show if things faded. Only today someone had decided that a group would be joining them for the sound check and for a meet and greet after. He could throttle them, he should be relaxing and doing his usual routine to calm him nerves. Even after all this time he still got nervous before the first show. Any meet and greets were usually a few weeks into the tour.

It was bound to be the usual group, the ones they had met a million times and had enough pictures with them each to fill several albums, but this was part of it, this was his job and he did actually enjoy it, just not on opening night.

As they turned the final corner to the stage composed himself as he was passed his ear piece. The band were already on stage, just waiting for them to trigger the opening sequence.

They all looked at each other and smiled. Gary looked up at Milton and nodded his head and the music started.

As he walked onto the stage he took a deep breath and looked around the arena. He got that same feeling every time, nervous yet honored to be there, still not believing how he had made it here after all those years away.

He joined his band mates in their opening formation. The back drop was perfect, images flashed on and off. Pictures of their career over the years, special photos never seen before, along with those horrifically embarrassing ones, used for years by the fans and newspapers alike.

The familiar tune of Take That and Party started. God, he hated this song, but the fans had demanded it after the promo team had released a poll. He still remembered the moment he saw the final numbers, he had sighed whilst Howard laughed out loud knowing how much he didn't want to sing it all the way through.

Starting to sing Gary suddenly remembered there was supposed to be a group here watching the rehearsals and looked out into the Arena. Coming towards him were four girls dancing their way through the aisles, the song was hit with them so that was a bonus. They didn't seem the usual screamers they encountered, another bonus there.

As they made their way closer Gary smiled at them and beckoned them forward so he could see them better. Mark and Howard did the same, smiling at each of them, until they reached the front few rows.

Gary looked at the girls in turn, smile wide as he waved at them. When his eyes made it to the last girl, he found that he couldn't look away. She was beautiful. It was like she had stepped out of a dream and into his life, just like he had wished for. Years of being alone, he longed for someone to share his life with. Someone special, he needed to know if she was the one.

She was beautiful, no other word for it, she had quite literally taken his breath away. Her hair fell perfectly over her shoulders, her dress perfectly fitting her frame, he needed to look away before this got awkward.

As they sound checked the next four songs Gary tried his hardest not to look at her, but it was impossible, whatever she did it drew his eyes to her.

After they had finished the last song, Gary gave a sigh of relief, it had gone well and the group of girls looked like they had enjoyed themselves. Well he could only say for certain that the girl in the beautiful yellow summer dress had, he didn't think he had actually seen the others. It was bad he needed to sort himself before he saw her next.

He realized Howard was talking to the group and finally listened in.

"Welcome! We hope you enjoyed that little snippet of the show. It certainly looked like you were having fun. We're just off for a quick meeting and we'll see you in a minute for a few photos and a chat" He said

"Don't go too far" Mark said with a cheeky grin and they ran off stage.

As they walked to the meeting room Mark grabbed Gary's arm and asked " Everything alright mate? You're never usually this quiet?"

Gary looked back and smiled "Couldn't be better Mark, couldn't be better"

After they had ironed out any last-minute changes they set off for the other meeting room. Howard as always in front like an excited child, still full of energy from the atmosphere of the arena. Gary felt himself lag behind, giving himself precious extra moments to calm himself.

As he looked up he saw Howard open the door and felt his stomach flip. this was it, time to meet this beautiful creature who had him completely under her spell.

He stepped into the room.

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