Good Old Days 👨‍👧

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—— today, a friend in class asked us to write a poem about one of our family members.


In the old days,
6:45 we would depart to school,
listening to gotcha call on the radio,
laughing together at the prank call.

In the old days,
I would feel so lazy to pray,
Sometimes would even lie,
With full of wisdom,
He said to me,
Can you feel the wind?
God is like the wind,
You cannot see Him,
But you can feel Him.

In the old days,
Once a month,
I would have my stomach cramp,
Worried not,
As he would make me hot milk,
And massage my legs.

In the old days,
Whenever i shed my tears,
Never alone in fears,
He would come and hug me,
Telling me stories.

The old days are memories,
They are now history,
Texting him more just for money.

i dont know why i cant continue writing this poem. I'm asking myself - is it because the reality stops there or because im lost of words to describe my feelings. I ❤️ you, Abah!

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