Coming Home (Teen!GabrielxTeen!Sam)

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Many tears had been shed since the ArchAngel Gabriel's death. The Winchesters, no matter how much they 'hate' Gabriel, shed some as well.

Sam had locked himself in his room again, a fit of depression crashed over him, repeating over periods of time. He looked at the very few pictures he took with his silly friend, when he lost the serious tone. Gabriel brought out the silly Sam, and he knew it.

A sad smile rose on Sam's face, a drop of water landing on the picture. Soon, however, it was hard to see. A shadow had crossed over it, something clamping into Sammy and covering his mouth.

He fit the hand, looking at the captor. He recognized that dirty blond anywhere...

"Gabe!" He exclaimed happily, still teary-eyed. The hand was covered by another, muffling the noise.

"Shush, Samwich!" A hushed whisper came in reply. The usual loud, hyper blonde was shushing someone? Something's up.

Sam removed Gabe's hands slowly, taking a breath.
"Where have you been?" He asked quietly, smiling at the fact that he had returned.

"Hiding." Gabe answered bluntly.



"Gabe now is not the time to be messing with me. Everyone thought you were dead! Do you know how much that affected a bunch of people?" He spoke hurriedly, still soft. 'Especially me..' He added in his head.

"I'm getting good at faking, eh? How good was it, be honest Samsquatch." He broke into the wide smile Sam knew and loved.

"It's not funny, Gabe. But it was really convincing.... Eight and a half out of nine and three quarters. (8.5/9.75 for people who want numbers)" He punched Gabriel on the shoulder. "Don't do it again."

"I had to. It was the only way to fix things. I won't have to do it again. Hopefully." His voice assured Sam in an odd way.



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