A description written for 'INTERTWINED' by IgnisAndFortuna

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I gazed upon a lake of glass. The moon, luminescent as always, beamed down from the heavens - its rays bathing the untouched surface of the water. Of the many lakes and many moons I'd seen on my travels, none were as breath-taking as that night. The reflection almost looked as if the moon had lost its child, and it had fallen to Earth - and now they looked upon each other longingly, distant, yet each were still a familiar sight to the other.

Though soon the perfect image was parted. Ripples marred the crystalline surface - pouring inwards from the water's edge. I had half a mind to call out in anger, to spite the one responsible for the vandalism. But I give thanks to the stars every day - for my patience, however limited it may typically be, held my tongue fast for long enough - barely long enough mind you - to receive the most gracious of recompense.

The sudden disruption of the water was due to a single figure. If it were a typical night's sky, I would not have been able to tell you quite who or what the figure was, let alone what their appearance was. But by my luck the moon was on my side.

Silver rays painted her silhouette with pristine clarity - a figure of infallible muliebrity. A tide of her silken locks burned crimson as it tumbled down her back. She wore not the clothes of nobility, but simple garments. Did it make her look any less the woman? Nay - in fact I might dare to say the image of her sat by the lake is branded into my memory to this day. Her frame was slight but none the less shapely - as a flower would be I suppose, delicate yet enthralling in its beauty.

I was spellbound, driven closer to her radiance every moment. The sad story of the moon and the lake were washed away, she filled my every thought, my every whim. As I neared, she turned to me, her pale eyes met mine, and I felt filled with light. No number of moons or stars could fill me with light in such a way. She smiled with scarlet lips, and gestured for me to sit beside her on the bank. 

Funny story, this one.

Wrote this to help design a love interest for a character based on me that was going to be in "Intertwined".

Buuuuut then life happened and I'm now dating the author that I wrote this for.

Maybe I was flexing my proverbial writing muscles to impress her with big words? Flirting via eloquent poetic descriptions? Perhaps.

But anyway, lets all just forget this exists, shall we?

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