39. Dreaming 2

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I saw you again in my dreams, 

It was funny, we were at school

Chairs in a circle, with I in the middle 

And you were there, coming to me 

With a bashful smile, you walked to me 

And I didn't know why I felt the need 

But I kissed you on the cheek

It was almost natural 

Almost as if we were together 

Almost as if there was an 'us' 

And you retreated, smile growing wider 

You went to tell your friends 

And you looked so giddy, so in love 

I don't know how and why 

But I felt butterflies




And a sense of dread 

That this wasn't real 

And my mind would wake up 

False truths and illusions so beautiful 

But too good to be true 

And I woke up that morning, crying

For I saw you again, 

In my dreams

Poetic Stuff I Write When I'm Lonely: Wattpad EditionWhere stories live. Discover now