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*(The Dirty Cops)*



*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞Contains Adults' Scenes, Parental Guidance is advised. Suitable for 18 years and above.🔞)


The trap which almost snatched his leg had some poison which if not detoxified, it would kill in less than two hours; already the poison had kicked in and it caused him to faint.

"What is he doing here?" The person who opened the door asked after she saw Dan.

"I don't know ma'am. I just heard someone screaming and when I went to check out whom it was, I found him trapped by one of our traps in the field." The guard replied.

"Take him inside and give him the antidote." The lady then said.

"But ma'am, he is a trespasser!" The guard replied.

"I know him, he is one of us." She said.

"One of us?" The guard asked shocked.

"Yes, he was in the car when the kidnapping happened. I don't know how he found us, but we need to give him the antidote then drop him at the HQ gates; let him wake up while at the HQ." The lady replied.

"What about Ruth? She is one of us, isn't she?" The guard asked.

"We will let her escape with the other woman; we will be  left with the kids. Those are the orders we have." The lady replied then walked back inside.

The guard went for the antidote, then he injected Dan with it and as ordered by his boss, he took him and went to drop him at the HQ. The kidnappers were working for someone in the CID department, and they were a secret unit which was not known to the rest of the agents and did not exist in the CID records.

They organized an easy escape for Ruth and Grace, then they shifted the two kids to a different location. They knew that Ruth was a highly trained agent and she would try escaping, so they made it easier for her.

There was no time to look for the kids; Ruth took Grace with her, then she promised her that she was going to find her kids. They went back to the HQ and they found George together with Haman and Joe. Dan had been taken to the health unit to be treated his leg after his colleagues found him lying outside the HQ gates.

"Hey, where were you?" George asked Ruth pretending not to know that she was kidnapped.

"Being held in a government facility. What the hell is going on here sir? The people who kidnapped us had weapons like ours and they were not just ordinary police; they are professionals!" Ruth replied then she took out a badge she had picked up at the warehouse while escaping.

"Is this not a CID badge? Why would CID agents kidnap me and John's family?" Ruth then asked.

"Ruth, you need to get some rest. It has been a long day and I get it, you are tired; go rest then I will see you tomorrow. I will make sure that our guest gets the best care, I promise." George replied as he ignored her questions.

"With all due respect sir, we need to know what the hell is going on here!" Ruth said angrily, then she banged the table.

"Go home Ruth and that is an order! Alex, take her home." George said with a commanding tone then walked away.

Ruth turned towards Grace and said;

"I will find your kids, I promise."

She then grabbed her jacket and walked out of the building; she did not need Alex's escort. After she was gone, George asked for Grace to be taken to the interrogation room, then he personally went to interrogate her.

"Your name is Grace, right?" He asked calmly.

"Yes." She replied timidly.

"Grace, do you know why you are here?" George asked.

"No, why am here?" She replied.

"I will first tell you a story about myself. I had a daughter who was very beautiful. One day, she told me that she was going to see her friend, and I allowed her to go. If only I knew that I was letting her go and never to come back, I would have stopped her. My girl disappeared and after tracking her phone, I found it thrown in a dam. For five years now, I have been looking for her and up to date, I don't know if she is still alive, or she is dead." George said sounding emotional.

"Why are you telling me this?" Grace asked.

"Your husband got one of my men killed and he helped two fugitives escape. I need you to help us find him." George said calmly.

Grace just broke down into tears when she heard that her husband was involved in killing a federal agent.

"The lady told me that my husband was her boss and he had sent her to pick us. She said that our lives were in danger!" Grace said sobbing.

"The guy who got killed was very close to that lady; you are lucky we intervened before she took you where she was taking you. She is still angry at your husband and trust me, she is willing to do anything to get your husband. It's either you help us find him, or she finds him and kills him." George replied.

"I don't know where he is." Grace said wiping off her tears.

"Grace, we have your kids, it is either you help us find John, or you never get to see your little ones again. We have the right to give your children away for adoption if we find that their parents are incompetent. Just a single signature from me, and your two kids will be given up for adoption and you will be charged with obstruction of justice; the choice is your Grace." George said then he got up and began walking towards the door.

"Wait, I might know where he is but I cannot guarantee that he is there. Before you guys faked the kidnapping, he was calling me but we did not get to talk. He might be out there looking for me, but I know his secret place." Grace said still sobbing.

"I want you to call him. Tell him that some guys kidnapped your kids and they are demanding for him to show up or they will kill the kids, do you understand?"  George said as he stopped walking.

"Are you really going to kill my kids?" Grace asked trembling.

"Just do as I have said Grace and nobody will get hurt." George replied then he walked out of the interrogation room."

He met with one of his agents carrying a file. The agent stopped him and said;

"Sir, here are the DNA results from the bodies found in the two graves we dug at the basement of Clara's home....

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Continues in the next Episode.

©Author George Haman

Written on 06/08/2019

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