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my dream boy had introduced himself as a jeongguk.

he had taken me to places i'd never been to before, he'd pulled me out of the nightmares and pulled me back into his embrace.

everything is a holiday when you're living inside your dreams. why would anyone stay awake when you can be sound asleep?

jeongguk. wait up!



come with me

you trust me

i trust you, gguk

i watch him smile, his eyes are a blur of statics.

my mom doesn't visit anymore neither does my sister. her harsh touches don't affect me anymore because i have jeongguk.

i don't dream anymore, i'm always awake with jeongguk.

he's always right next to me, blocking out the bad, the good and the real. he's all i'll ever need.

i'm a dream girlWhere stories live. Discover now