I Dare You

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I Dare You


I don’t know what to bring to Marl’s house to get ready for Tina’s party. Normally Grace and I would hang out in his older sister, Danielle’s room and she’ll help us get ready, but Danielle’s getting married to her high school sweetheart in January, so she moved up a couple of months ago when they got engaged. I didn’t bring much to the coast at all, but Grace and I always managed to scrape together an assortment of things that made us halfway to decent.

“Screw this,” I mutter. I lean over my bed to grab my biggest beach bag and then walk over to my desk. I open the bag wide and sweep everything on my desk into it. Before I head out of my room, I grab a couple of changes of clothes and my pyjamas.

“Mum, dad, I’m going to Marl’s,” I yell into the kitchen where they’re cooking dinner together.

“Wait sweetie, don’t you want some dinner?” mum asks, popping her head through the open doorway as I’m putting on my sandals.

“No thanks mums, I’m eating at Marl’s.”

“Are you going to sleepover like usual?”

“Yeah, and Mase is back so it’s going to be fun.”

“Okay, be careful on the walk there,” she says, coming over to kiss my cheek before I go.

“Mum, he lives six houses down.”

“Just listen to your mother for once.”

“Okay, okay.” I kiss her on the cheek. “Bye Daddy!” I yell before opening the door and stepping outside.

The sun has almost set, leaving the sky a melange of reds, blues and yellows. As I skip along the overgrown path, I note that Mrs Gardener’s porch has been repainted and that the house next to Marl’s no longer has their boat parked in the driveway. Marl’s house however, never changes. It’s still a quaint white, cottage inspired house with bright yellow shutters. Mrs Evans herb garden is still thriving and I make a mental note to ask for some when I leave tomorrow morning.

As I walk up the porch steps, I don’t bother to ring the doorbell because I know that they never lock the door when someone’s home. The wind chimes give off their usual melodious twinkle, alerting the inmates of my presence.

“Tori!” I hear Grace squeal from the living room. I turn right into the first doorway and Grace jumps up to hug me, her curly hair bouncing.

“Am I late?” I ask. Everyone’s already here, making themselves comfortable among the couches and beanbags, obviously already at home.

“Nah, these people just don’t know how to read a clock.”

“My excuse is perfectly legitimate. I blame daylight saving.”

Grace rolls her eyes. “Finn, daylight saving was over two months ago.”

“Oh. Right.”

Marlon holds up his steak sandwich. “You want?”

I give him my best duh look.

He shakes his head grinning. “Why do I even ask?”

I follow him into the kitchen, admiring all of the baby photos featuring him along the way.

“So…” he begins, looking at the sandwich he’s putting together instead of my eyes. “What’s going on between you and Mase?”

“Nothing,” I reply, hoisting myself up onto the counter beside him and swinging my legs.

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