Mr poppy

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When we came back into class there was a classroom assistant and we all started to sing with him, that was until mr maddens interrupted us and ask who he is. We then do some creative writing while mr poppy sits at the front. Mr maddens and mr poppy talk for a while. "Who wants to do a play?" Mr poppy asks and the whole class cheers and starts moving the table like mr poppy told us to. "Alfie! Alfie, TJ, just put the tables back.
The next person to move their table
will be in detention for the entire term." Sir said but then the bell went and we all ran out the room. We all start to play stuck in the mud with mr poppy but sir calls him back inside. "Poppy poppy" we all chant then mr poppy runs out the hall door and starts the game again. It was then home time and me and bob walk along the street with some people from our class including Matt. When we got home we watched some Christmas movies and drank hot chocolate with marshmallows.

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