Starting Fresh

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Getting enough sleep to stay awake throughout the day and actually feeling well rested are two completely separate things. Despite having a difficult time getting to sleep, Tadashi knew he could function with the amount of rest he got. Unfortunately, he woke up feeling as though he hadn't slept at all. The second his eyes fluttered open, his nerves attempted to get the better of him.

He felt like a freshman again. He hadn't been this nervous since his first day at SFIT. Of course, he'd much rather experience his first-day jitters again than his current rising anxieties that piled up with each unsettling thought that came to mind.

He hasn't been on campus since the night of the showcase. The last time he was there, Hiro was alive. He had gotten his acceptance letter. This was supposed to be his first day of college. He should be here. Hiro should be the one that's nervous and Tadashi should be the one to help him feel relaxed. Today was supposed to be the day that him and their friends would show Hiro around to make sure he knew where all his classes were. Today was meant to be such a great day.

Tadashi sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. Not too long after he began attending SFIT, it became a second home to him. He met his friends who he loved dearly. He spent countless hours in the nerd lab or his own private lab. For the most part, he got along great with his professors.

Memories of Callaghan plagued his mind. His mentor. His favorite teacher. Someone he not only idolized, but respected and learned a lot from. He still couldn't get his head wrapped around that a man he looked up to could be capable of causing so much destruction and chaos. Even knowing why his former professor went to great lengths to do what he nearly succeeded in doing, it wasn't an easy pill to swallow. Tadashi's heart ached as he remembered simpler times where he could go to him for advice on projects. He trusted him. He mourned him when he thought he perished with Hiro.

A shudder traveled down his spine. Thinking of Callaghan only resulted in nausea forming in the pit of his stomach. Taking in a deep breath, Tadashi attempted to calm his boiling blood. At least he wouldn't ever see him at SFIT again. Someone else would be taking his place as the new Dean of Students. Whoever that would be, it didn't matter. Tadashi had no intentions of getting close to them. He highly doubted that they would have some traumatic past that would eventually lead to a life of villainy, but nonetheless his trust wore thin.

While getting dressed, the robotics major began to debate if going to school was actually a good idea. It would give him the normal routine he needed, but the campus was now a painful reminder of what he was still going through. Why surround himself in an environment he'd have a difficult time healing in?

Sitting down on his neatly made bed, Tadashi reached for his phone. He fumbled it in his hands, wondering if he should text his friends to tell him he might not go. They'd understand why it's so hard. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to message them. There was still a part of him that was optimistic about going. If he could get through the first day back, it would only get easier from there. He was proud to be a student.

Instead, he pressed the photo gallery app. Immediately, he was greeted by his most recent photos which were ones of him and the gang. All of which were ones that Honey Lemon had taken and sent to him and the others. Some of which included Baymax.

He gulped as he scrolled upwards. It didn't take more than a few seconds to stumble upon a particular photograph that Tadashi would always treasure. The group selfie they took before Hiro presented his microbots. The last picture Hiro was ever in. His precious, tooth-gapped smile showing both nervousness and excitement. None of them could have been prepared for what happened later that evening.

Tadashi kept scrolling. His photo gallery consisted mainly of pictures of his family; Hiro respectively. Over the years, he and Aunt Cass always made sure to capture memories through photos and videos of Hiro. Whether it be his greatest achievements or candid moments, they always had a camera ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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